Episode 55: Manners Maketh the Man

3 months ago

Manners Maketh the Man - a Rogue Ramble through Sansom Woods, Sherwood Forest in which I contemplate how manners make the man and how reason is God-given. The podcast also considers how the ill-mannered man is ureasonalble for want of emotional control.

Thank you as always for your support and especially to Lizzie for her generosity which she expressed via the Buy Me a Coffee button http://buymeacoffee.com/modb. If you’re feeling equally appreciative, then please chuck a few quid in the pot, leave a comment and I will get back to you.

My work can also be read on Substack, https://substack.com/@mod800 which, at least as far as I can tell, appears to be a home to free speech.

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