How the Corporate Takeover of American Politics Began

4 hours ago

How the Corporate Takeover of American Politics Began

Dec. 13, 2022

Robert Reich

The corporate takeover of American politics was rapid and ruthless.

In 1976, I watched as thousands of corporate lobbyists descended on Washington. Fast forward to today, and lobbying has become a $3.7 billion dollar industry.

It all began with the Powell Memo.



Inequality Media Civic Action is a nonprofit co-founded by former Secretary of Labor Robert Reich and Director Jacob Kornbluth following the success of their documentary film, Inequality For All. Inequality Media Civic Action uses the power of storytelling to inform and engage the public about the realities and impacts of inequality and imbalance of power in America.

We believe in the power of storytelling to inform and engage. And we believe in the power of an informed and engaged public to bring about change because how we understand a problem dictates what options are on the table to fix it. Our ultimate vision is an economy that works for everyone.

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