The True Meaning of Predestination

5 months ago

The biblical doctrine of predestination confuses practically everyone. Are human decisions and actions determined before we are born? Does God really judge us innocent or guilty before we even do anything? What a terrifying concept! Learn the little-known, hope-filled truth about predestination.


The entire world is blind to God’s master plan. Besides a small group of called-out ones, mankind does not know their Creator! Request Gerald Flurry’s free booklet on Jude to discover how predestination fits into God’s plan for man.

God is now setting apart, preserving, calling, and choosing a select few people for His one true Church. These firstfruits are doing God’s Work, obeying and following God, and preparing to marry and rule with Jesus Christ at His Second Coming!

Study the Jude booklet to learn the truth about predestination—how some humans are pre-called by God out of the world to serve Him today. Understand the time order of God’s plan for mankind. Prove that God’s Church is just the small firstfruit harvest of souls into the Family of God! Grasp the comforting fact that predestination is not about being pre-judged unfairly; it is just a part of God’s perfect timing as He welcomes all mankind into His Family.

Request the Jude booklet to uncover your marvelous future on a renewed Earth and in a restored universe. Whether you are predestinated as a rare servant of God today, or you are a part of the vast majority of mankind entering the God Family very soon, you have so many blessings and opportunities to joyfully anticipate.

God’s master plan for mankind truly is sensational!

Also request a free Bible lesson on predestination from the Herbert W. Armstrong College Bible Correspondence Course. Discover a startling fact: that Jesus Christ actually hid the truth about salvation from the vast majority of mankind! Understand why all mankind besides a select few is neither lost nor saved in this life. Prove that today is not the only day of salvation, and how this little-known fact actually increases the chances of each human to be saved when the time is right.

You will also receive a free transcript of this television program. Rather than fearing the false doctrine of eternal life in hellfire, take comfort in God’s perfect timing as He converts billions of humans into God Beings.

All our literature is available free of charge, at no cost or obligation to you. Request our booklet on Jude, a Bible course on predestination, and a transcript of this TV program. Order now!

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