SOS Benson "The POWER of EVIDENCE" at Secretaries of State Hearing_20240911

4 months ago

The POWER of EVIDENCE!! SOS Benson states in this very passionate video that there is "NO EVIDENCE of wrong doing or EVIDENCE of alleged irregularities". (in our elections)

WE HAVE THE EVIDENCE! This evidence is peer reviewed nationally by a number of national data experts and is part of our USA federal lawsuit.

Check out and financially support our federal lawsuit with Michigan and other states at United Sovereign Americans. (scroll down to Michigan)

Many of our elected leaders understand the power of evidence and this is the exact reason wrongful EVIDENCE is BLOCKED from exposure to the American public. BTW, SOS Benson, we the people have significant "evidence" of wrong doing by your very SOS - BOE office. Until you understand this, you will remain confused why the Patriots in the USA are angry with YOUR ACTIONS to block transparency, ePollBook source file evidence, our vote methods, our vote locations, and data integrity with our voter rolls. Yes, we have chain of custody with all the corrupted election data from your office received via FOIA.

You can fix these election related data manipulation and transparency issues if you choose to do so.

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