CONFIRMED: NANO BOTS IN VACCINES! - New Study Proves What We've Been Warning About For Years!

8 hours ago

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Title: CONFIRMED: NANO BOTS IN VACCINES! - New Study Proves What We've Been Warning About For Years!
Josh Sigurdson reports on a study out of South Korea and Japan proving what people like David Icke has been saying for years. The covid injections contain self replicating nanobots that are entirely inorganic.
A new study called "Real-Time Self-Assembly of Stereomicroscopically Visible Artificial Constructions in Incubated Specimens of mRNA Products Mainly from Pfizer and Moderna: A Comprehensive Longitudinal Study" shows that under a microscope both wet and dry, Pfizer and Moderna injections contain materials that begin in one dimensional and then morph into three dimensional technology that grows, turns tubular, spiral, circular and attacks the cells of the body. Much of these materials are clearly robotic technology with magnetic capabilities. Some of this technology somehow appears and disappears over time.
This is something many of us have warned about for years and were called crazy for, yet the evidence continues to pile up.
As we reported recently, a new self-assembling version of mRNA is being developed in Japan called "saRNA" which literally means "self assembling RNA." It is set to be put into injections worldwide and have the capability to become its own bodily vaccine "factory."
Not only can this technology lead to clots and severe health problems as it attacks the cells of the body, but it can also be remotely controlled in many cases, something David Icke has commented on for years including in 2020 when he was banned for bringing up the 5G correlation.
As we reported in 2020, John Hopkins had developed nanotechnology called "Theragrippers" which can cling to the lining of the stomach or colon like a parasite and release "medication." It can be controlled remotely. It can be applied via a nose swab.
Transhumanism and the control of human consciousness and the human body are clearly one of the major goals of the global establishment. It's the destruction of the human spirit in general. One might call it human sacrifice.
The CIA has openly talked about spraying nano-particles in the streets which could lead to unsuspecting people facing brain damage, psychological issues and death via remote controlled nanotechnology in the particles. Why more people aren't talking about this is truly incredible but it speaks to how incredibly normalized we've become to all of this.
They're injecting the food supply with modRNA which survives the digestive system. They're putting out contracts for Moderna and Pfizer to produce mRNA injections for "all causes" and they're adding covid injections to the infant vaccine schedule.
This is an all-out assault on humanity and brings us closer the the actual transhumanist goal of the Great Reset. This is beyond money or power. This is the deconstruction of the human race and the replacement of it with unconscious, droning half-human, half robot entities, controlled down to the last detail.
It may sound funny now, but as long as one stays sitting on their hands as more and more of what we warn of comes to light, it will only get worse.
Politics won't save you from this. You on the other hand CAN save yourself. Independence is the enemy of statism. Get prepared today.
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