4/8 "The Church won't shipwreck completely but is now in a state of dissolution". St Basil 373 AD

1 month ago

4 of 8. History of the Church. “The Catholic peoples, throughout Christendom, were the stubborn champions of the Catholic truth. The bishops were not”. (John Henry Newman).

“Of a sudden the world woke up Arian”. St Jerome, translator of the Bible.

St. Basil: “When the Devil saw that despite the persecutions carried out by the Romans the church grew and flourished more and more, he, (the Devil), changed plans. No longer did he fight openly but rather arranged for his own persecution to be secret, hidden, hiding its betrayal under the very name you call yourselves, under the name of Christians; and so we now suffer the same our parents suffered in their day (open persecution), though this time it does not seem to be directly against from pagans, as it was evident then, for our persecutors call themselves also Christians”. "The faithful observance of the traditions of the Fathers, and our own fathers, is now punished terribly as a crime: those who fear God are exiled from their homeland and to desert places, judged by iniquitous judges who respect neither our gray hairs, nor the observance of religion, nor living according to the Gospel, or any and all of us who have remained faithful from our youth. The whole Church is now in a state of dissolution. (Year 373)
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