MR. NON-PC: You Gotta Break Away From M🤡PEYW🌍RLD Every Now And Then!

5 months ago

Now I'll be the first to admit it....I'm definitely "black-pilled" a lot of the time about The M🤡PEYW🌍RLD, the satanic U.S " GUBAMINT", The Helter-Skelter-Race-Baiting/White/Straight and Christian-Hating Media and the rotten/disgusting pop culture that seems to consume our everyday lives.

But every now and then I have to break away from The M🤡PEYW🌍RLD to maintain my peace, tranquility and sanity! 🤣

Too often we all get bogged down by negative people, places and things....but sometimes you just need to pull the plug on all of it and find a place where you can relax and recharge.

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