Sabbath Message (Audio) for 12/07/47/120 - 14/09/2024

4 months ago

Sabbath Message (Audio) for 12/07/47/120 - 14/09/2024
Sabbath 12/07/47/120

Dear Friends

Today we will examine the paper Sack of the Vatican (No. 141D_3). The work deals with the plans Satan has issued for the destruction of the European religious system under the Demons who have appeared to the crowds at Fatima and who issued the four prophecies through the visions at Fatima, and which were relayed to the RCC through the priests and bishops there in Portugal. All four prophecies were conveyed to Rome and to make it all appear sound they are labelled Fatima Nos 1, 2, 3A and 3B. Prophecy No. 3B was not disclosed and there were only three prophecies declared and 3A was passed off as the final prophecy, when in fact Prophecy No. 3B was the final prophecy which was astounding.

Fatima 3B was hidden in the papal desk termed “Barbarigo” in the Vatican. It foretells the conflict in dedication of the Russians to the final wars and their subjugation of Europe in WWIII. It was the case of the final conflict and the invasion of Europe by the military forces of Russia and the Middle East and the slaughter of the priests of the Vatican and the execution of the Last Pope on one of the hills of Rome. The pope is taken from the Vatican over the dead bodies of his priests and executed by the soldiers of the armies, publicly, before the populace there.

The prophecies were explained in the text of the paper The Last Pope (No. 288). In that paper we explained the sequence from the Vatican ceremonies for the enthronement of Satan as God in the chapels of SS. Peter and Paul in the Vatican with a concomitant ceremony in North Carolina on the 33rd parallel to enable the cacophony of Child rape and sacrifice there. The entire ceremony was listed as taking place at the “Availing Time” when the Pope took the name Paul which was to be the signal of the “availing time.” The Jesuit historian Malachi Martin revealed the details in the work “Windswept House” and that contained also the details of the ceremony in the Carolinas. Martin had also revealed the details of the last Inquisition in the Papal States from 1823-1846 prior to the referendum in 1850 when the Papal States voted to remove Vatican rule to become part of the Italian republic (M. Martin Decline and Fall of the Roman Church Secker and Warburg, 1981). He had also written The Final Conclave Hostage to the Devil (published by Harper San Francisco and Harper Collins, 1976, 1992). Martin's work The Keys of This Blood (Touchstone; Simon and Schuster, 1990) deals with John Paul II struggle against Russia and the West for control of the New World Order (NWO). It is in this conflict that we see the struggle for control and World Domination of the NWO. It is for this reason that Russia and the Middle East sought to control this Domination of the NWO and which will ultimately see the destruction of the Western Democracies and the establishment of the Beast Power (No. 299A) and the destruction of the Trinitarian Church system (The Whore and the Beast (No. 299B)).

The Masonic system was also set up in the Nineteenth Century to take over the world power system under the NWO from the US and Albert Pike travelled to Victoria, Australia to establish the controls there of the masonic system using demonism and the Satanic system using also the York Rite system (see also A. Pike Morals and Dogma). It was standard doctrine from the 28th to the 33rd degrees of Scottish Rite Freemasonry from the US that Satan was worshipped as God. There was thus no difference between Free Masonry, Anglicanism, and Roman Catholicism at the highest levels and they work together.

Martin also wrote The Jesuits The Society of Jesus and the Betrayal of the Roman Catholic Church (Touchstone 1987). See also Vatican and the Final Conclave. Martin stated that a state of war existed between the Vatican and the Jesuits. Given his views and the fact that he had prepared another and very telling work on this, it is perhaps puzzling that the Final Pope would be a Jesuit elected as the final pope given the prophecies under Malachy O'Morghaire from ca. 1181 and also the prophecies of the demons at Fatima, posing as the virgin.

It will be necessary to study the texts of The Last Pope (No. 288) and these two works of Sack of the Vatican (No. 141D_3) and the text of Last Prophet and Antichrist (No. 141D_3A). Martin was killed before he could publish his final work. Prophecy will unravel the final story now. Messiah will smash the final system when he takes over from the Two Witnesses (No. 141D). It is the plan of the demons to destroy the entire Trinitarian system and their pawns in the world systems. There can be nothing left alive of the Babylonian Mystery and Sun Cults according to prophecy (F066iii, iv, v). Satan is allowed to destroy them as those systems worship Satan as God and they are not under Divine Protection and Satan and the demons can do as they wish to them.

It is from now onwards that we see the Great Tribulation (No. 141D_2) take effect, and the Wars of the End come to fruition. It is over this period that the demons have organised the Planned Destruction of Humanity (No. 141D_2B).

For all these reasons we must be under the Protection of the Hand of God (No. 194B). Only those people keeping the Law and the Testimony will survive on into the millennial system under Christ. We are to look upon this as the final Exodus out of Egypt into the Promised Land at the Passover (No. 98) and the Fall of Jericho (No. 142) at the final entry to the Promised Land. It was Christ that met Joshua at Jericho as the captain of the Armies of the Lord. It was he who brought them through the baptism of the Red Sea and he who gave the Law to Moses (Acts 7:30-53) and he was the Rock in the Wilderness, and that Rock was Christ (1Cor. 10:1-4).

Wade Cox
Coordinator General

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