Carnivore Testimony

6 months ago

Testimony by @kayleekdelvalle

I’m on a meat based diet: Carnivore

I get asked a lot about what I eat and honestly because I’m on the go so often and live a very busy life, my eating choices don’t include a wide variety of options.

Eggs always keep me full and I love to add cheese butter, lots of salt and cook it in tallow.

I meal prep over 2 pounds of ground beef and eat it once or twice a day. It maybe takes me 3 to 5 days to get through it.

I make protein shakes in the morning with bone broth protein powder, and collagen. This helps when I teach early morning classes and get hungry.

Turkey bacon is my favorite bacon to eat. I just really love the taste, even though the fat content isn’t very high.

Lastly, I’ve currently incorporated carnivore bars. They’re so fatty that they keep me full. When I’m coaching all day and don’t have time to go get meat or don’t have a microwave or fridge near me, I keep one of these nearby.

#carnivore #carnivorebar #eatmeat #notavegan #realfood #pemmican #ancestraldiet #meatheals #nosetotail #highprotienhighfat

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