Biden and Kamala Harris were so hellbent

5 months ago

o get out of Afghanistan by September 11 that they intentionally limited military and intelligence input into the decision, to make sure they didn’t contradict the policy they had already settled on.

I told you all everything D. Trump is doing in this election season is a formal process. For some strange reason people keeping thinking everything hinges on things that are deemed irrelevant when it comes to court of law.

D. Trump doing good in the polls.

Winning televised debates.

Having rallies to drum up support for his campaign.

You all seem to forget that before 2026 you will not see any of these people anymore. I will be surprised if they even make it out of 2024. COG- is the only reason things are continuing as normal. The lawsuit filed against ABC by D. Trump because George Stephanopoulos called D. Trump a r*p¡st is not the reason that station is in the cross hairs because they committed a crime against the American people way before that.

Everything happening right now is for the sensibilities of "The Normies" because they are most mentally fragile. They are being reeled into things they would have otherwise dismissed years ago in terms of the blatant clown show we are watching.

I am seeing people that would normally denounce D. Trump come out and support him because of how he handled Kamala Harris. Especially when the light bulb went off in their heads when they realized after D. Trump told the world that Kamala Harris can go wake up Joe Biden right now and close the borders.

Do you see what I am trying to get at? This part of the show is for them. To get them on board so the more informed folks can then speak about how are things getting out of hand under an administration that is claiming they will fix it once they are in the White House when they are the current leaders now.

This is waking up a lot of people. Just those simple statements from D. Trump is powerful and gets the gears going in people's heads. This is not about his performance. It's about the opportunity to red pill the nation while he goes about the formal election process that will no longer be needed after 2024.
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