Capitalism Loves Feminism & Hates MGTOW by John Alan Martinson Jr

1 day ago

In this video, I dive into the intrinsic connection between capitalism and feminism, demonstrating how the capitalist system thrives by catering to women as consumers. The fact that women drive the majority of retail spending is not a coincidence but a deliberate focus of businesses aiming for profit. From shopping malls to advertising and media portrayals, it's clear that capitalism targets women because they spend more freely, often outpacing men in retail transactions.

Capitalism's dependence on women extends beyond consumer goods. In the workplace, corporations prefer male employees who are financially obligated through marriage, alimony, and child support, because these men tend to work harder and more consistently. Conversely, MGTOW (Men Going Their Own Way) disrupts this model by encouraging men to avoid marriage and traditional financial commitments, making them less profitable for companies. This reality highlights how capitalism and feminism reinforce one another, making it difficult for men who resist these systems to thrive financially.

The media and advertising industries also play a significant role in this relationship, often portraying men as foolish or incompetent while uplifting women. These portrayals align with the feminist agenda and contribute to women's dominant role in consumerism. The pervasive narrative that women are better at spending money directly benefits capitalism, as companies profit from their spending habits while encouraging the idea that men should hand over their earnings.

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