Sow Not Among Thorns - Sept 12, 2024

1 month ago

*I was censored from YouTube for what was supposed to be a 2 wk ban, but discovered it has been dropped early so I'm back on after only 9 days. While absent from here, I was still releasing daily videos over on Rumble w the same channel name - My Father's Witness. This is the link to the one that got me censored. (Add in the https :/ / to make it a valid link)

My website is www (dot) myfatherswitness (dot) com

Jer 4:3-4 - sow not among thorns, circumcise your hearts.
Numbers 33:55 - drive out the [spiritual] inhabitants out of your [spiritual] land otherwise they will become thorns in your sides (left side, adversary, beside you)
2 Sam 23:6 - sons of belial are thorns, therefore so are the sons of Eli (spiritually deaf and blind, committing sexual and financial sin)
Prov 22:5 - the froward/perverse are surrounded by thorns, but those who keep their souls will be far from them
Isaiah 10:17 - the light of Israel = law is light (Prov 6:23) will be a fire and the Holy One of Israel a flame to burn and devour the thorns and briers in ONE day
Isaiah 27:4 - God will go thru the thorns and burn them altogether.
Ezekiel 28:23-25 - the LORD will bring judgment upon Jezebels land Zidon to remove the briers and thorns from among the House of Israel, executing judgment upon all those that despise them.
Deut 10:12-22 - the stubborn are NOT circumcised
DEUT 30 - the process to walk to have your heart circumcised.
GEN 17:11 - circumcised heart is a sign of covenant between God and you.

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