James Corbett On 911 War Games, Insider Trading, AQ Links & More Questions Unlisted Video

5 months ago

911 can be a touchy subject, you may be like me and not have a consolidated view, are undecided, have questions, or you may feel the likelihood of an inside job is low, nevertheless, the day remains to have many strange phenomenons and questions. The official line the Bush administration could not see an attack like this coming, is a clear lie, no matter your overall view of 911 Truth, shown by the governments documents and words themselves. Whatever you may think, this interview should provide information you may have not been aware of, and all though we did not cover everything, it will provide a starting point to follow the links discussed. Whatever your view, there is no hiding from previous administrations working with terrorists, bin laden, Al-qaeda in previous conflicts to achieve geopolitical goals, which led to their rise and these attacks, if you believe the official story

In this interview I had James on the 4th time, this time to discuss the 911 attacks. We discuss the lies that the Bush administration could could never have imagined an attack like this, proven by the many pre 911 war Games with similar scenarios, including one specifically with Bin Laden's face on the first page. We also discuss the many war games on the day of 911, that confused the response shown by the NORAD tapes released by Vanity Fair and whether the war games were coincidence or intentional. On top of this, we spoke about the investigations into 911 insider trading, of investors appearing to have foreknowledge of the attacks, shown by the activity of trades with airlines and other companies in the days coming up to 911. We discussed the explosions reports in the towers, building 7, the pentagon, Pennsylvania, AQ Links and other general questions.

I highly recommend watching all of James documentaries and others listed below.

Previous Video - https://www.truthovercomfort.co.uk/post/an-example-of-a-politicians-hypocrisy-public-deceivery-bilderberg-mi6-bp-david-lammy-sunak

Previous Interview - https://www.truthovercomfort.co.uk/post/dave-decamp-ukraine-korea-russia-china-israel

Please feel free to comment if I have missed any links in the show notes - https://www.truthovercomfort.co.uk/post/james-corbett-on-911-war-games-insider-trading-aq-links-more-questions





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