You Are Not Sick From A West Nile Mosquito Bite! You Are Being Poisoned With An Insecticide!

6 months ago

Here is the list of ingredients being routinely sprayed:


Permethrin: CAS [52645-53-1]......................... 30.0%

Piperonyl Butoxide Technical CAS [51-03-6]........ 30.0%

OTHER INGREDIENTS:................................. 40.0%

Total 100.0%

Contains 2.52 lbs. a.i. Permethrin/gallon and 2.52 lbs. a.i. Piperonyl Butoxide/gallon

Please review the 'Safety Data Sheet/ on the ingredients that are listed on the following links:,+TECH+100ML&vendorId=VN00032119&countryCode=US&language=en

There is “no information available” under Toxicological Information (section 11).

This may indicate that the toxicology on these ingredients have been not studied and the notice indicates dermal and respiratory issues and to contact poison control if exposed.

Add glyphosate sprayed on our food supply, fluoride, graphene oxide to our water, aluminum salts (among a bevy of others) to vaccines, toxic acidic antibiotics to us and our animals, micro plastics, forever chemicals, and heavy metals like lead and mercury, it is important to understand that you are not sick from a virus but sick because you have been poisoned with chemicals and radiation!

Learn more about chemical and radiation poisoning and how to protect yourself go to: and

To support the work, research and findings of Dr. Robert O. Young go to:

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