Demonic Abortion Clinics

4 months ago

The later the abortion the better, because the cuts of meat fetch better prices! These demonic scumbags prefer 34 weeks because terminating God's gift of life seconds before birth is the ultimate spit in the eye of God. Planned Parenthood is nothing more than a body farm for blacks, this is why the black population in America was pulled away from God, kept in abject poverty by the Democrats and fed lies by the media and lured into crime by the deceptive glamour of Hollywood. The black folk in America are waking up but they have a massive problem with their youth who are insanely violent. This is why BLM was started by three female black marxists, and heavily supported by the Democrats and deep-state. The Democrats, RINOs, deep-state don't give a sh!t about blacks, REAL history has proven that but the greatest deception is not the ridiculous hoax called "White Supremacy", because the cabal and the deep-state are satanists, and the Zionists are behind the financial system, perpetual wars, big pharma, the patented "viruses", and the mockingbird media, and many black musicians and rappers. It's all about divide and conquer, and dumb black and white American liberals who fall for this "white privilege" bullshit are the dumbest of the dumb; the satanic Zionists were the slave traders. BLM and LGBTQAI++++were the two marxist trojan horses, ideological subversion and the intent to destroy the nuclear family.

Time to UNITE!!!! The common enemy is Satan/Lucifer and the satanic filth who are part of it, and that includes the Freemasons and other secret societies, amongst others.

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