Candace Owens : Israeli Citizens Were Warned Of The 9/11 Attack 2 Hour Before It Happened

1 month ago

Candace Owens Dropped a Bomb on Millions of Viewers — Israeli Citizens were Warned of the 9/11 Attack Two-Hours Before it Happened

Ain’t it interesting she’s been exposing Israel more since she left the Daily Wire? 🇮🇱


• An instant messaging service called “ODIGO”, which was Israeli owned and operated, had Headquarters located two blocks away from the World Trade Center.

• Sept 26, 2001, 15 days after the 9/11 attack, a popular Israeli publication named “Haaretz” said ODIGO workers were warned of the attacks
—— “ODIGO, the instant messaging service says two of its workers received messages TWO HOURS before the Twin Towers were attacked…” predicting the attack would happen around 7am Eastern Time.

• ODIGO has been cooperating with Israeli and American law enforcement, including the FBI in trying to find the original sender of the message predicting the attack..

• Two weeks after 9/11, the CEO of ODIGO, Alex Diamandis, said the message said something big was going to happen in a certain amount of time — and it did, almost to the minute.
—— the ODIGO employees did not warn anyone.
—— Israel “our greatest ally” did not warn anyone.

The MSM memory holed this story and nothing further was exposed to the public…

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