The Capitalist Communist Conspiracy (Pt. 2 of 2) Prof. Anthony C. Sutton

5 months ago

Soviet Space Program, Henry Ford's Gorky Plant, Dunlop in the Soviet Union, American ball bearing machines in the USSR, Kama River Factory, Soviet Semiconductors, Re-entry Vehicles, High Treason, Treasonous State Department, The Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan, Weather Modification Technology, Skull and Bones, Infamy of Pearl Harbor, The Hegelian Dialectics, Technology Transfers, Founders of the Soviet Union, Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution

For those reading i want to remind you
america used to be Capitalist. Capitalism is not the problem crony Capitalism is which is what we have in america today. their is a major difference between the two.

Professor Antony Sutton with Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Montana, July 1, 1987.

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