Practically Hunting the Jews Down! (Ebenezer Operation Exodus, Jeremy Smith Interview)

4 months ago

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Hi Friends.
In this episode of All Politics is Local they discuss the Jews Return to Israel but not only that - Robert and his guest discuss how God practically commanded them to return to their land! Scriptural References: Jeremiah 16 and 31, Ezekiel 20

Mr Jeremy Smith is a National Coordinator with Ebenezer Operation Exodus ( with the sole purpose of aiding the Jews in their return to their heritage, their land of promise, The Promised Lands of God! Amazing.

Mr Smith discusses some of the history of the Jews returned and the politics surrounding the Jews coming back to Israel. The most amazing parts of the interview are when they discuss these prophetic nature of these events and how God gave His word that this would happen in the last days! Amazing. And it's all coming true exactly how the Bible foretold.

God is not a promise breaking God, He is a covenant making and promise keeping God! Even when He made the covenant with Abraham, He did not require an oath from Abraham! God made the oath and then fulfilled it! In the same manner, God said "I will scatter my people" but then, "in the end, I will return them to their land!"

These promises date all they way back to Abram, in Genesis 15 and continue thru the prophets, as God showed them the future!

The politics are complicated surrounding this tiny little nation in The Middle East. They discuss how the U.N. originally gave the Jews this land to be their nation! It's quite literally in the charter! But then why has the world refused to support the Jews in their peace and prosperity in the region!? The very nations that voted to give the Jews this land are now banding against them!? Makes no sense, unless there exists a spiritual battle that we can not easily see with our eyes, spiritual forces fighting against Israel and the Jews in their land.

Thank you for considering the cause that is Israel and helping to return His people to their land!! What if the return of Messiah is dependent upon the Jews returning to their land!? What if God is waiting for a specific number and then all things will be fulfilled!? What if this is THE Event God is looking at to return Messiah to the earth, to bring peace and a new world of blessing and joy, a sinless world, a perfect world, like they way God intended it!? Many many scriptures lead us to believe this way....

More to come!

To Donate to Jeremy Smith on Paypal or Wise contact us: and we will give you his info

Whenever you have the time - His testimony of returning to Israel is amazing! It is recorded here:

To learn more about Ebenezer International
Or In Israel

This is a great video Ebenezer just posted on YoutTube:

Dont forget to check out these articles we posted explaining much about the prophetic nature of the Jews return to Israel and what it means for the rest of the world! THE BLESSING IT IS FOR THE REST OF THE WORLD!

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