God Knows and Loves You

5 months ago

You Are a Child of God
One of the great truths in the Bible is that we are all the “offspring of God” (Acts 17:29), created in His image. As a child of God, you have infinite potential and worth. Before your life here on earth, you lived with God, and He sent you here to learn and grow to become more like Him.

God Knows You Personally
Jesus Christ taught that God, our Father in Heaven, is aware each time a sparrow falls to the ground and that we are “of more value than many sparrows” to Him (see Matthew 10:29–31). Through every difficulty you face, you are never alone. God is watching over you. He knows you perfectly and knows what you need to help you overcome your challenges.

God Is Your Heavenly Father
God loves you and wants you to succeed. Like all loving fathers, He wants to hear from you and is eager to give you guidance if you are willing to talk with Him through prayer.

Prayer Is a Conversation
True prayer is more than just a ritual or way to place an order for something you want. Instead, prayer is a conversation between you and your Father in Heaven. You can talk to God about the things you’re grateful for, your hopes and dreams, your worries, and the things you want or need.

God Hears and Answers Our Prayers
God hears and answers our prayers. Your answer may not come in the way you expect, and it may not always be the answer you were hoping for. But if we are open to receive, it will come. You might recognize your answer in thoughts and feelings, in the actions of someone around you, or through a scripture you read.

"The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God." - Romans 8:16

You Can Feel God’s Love
Your Father in Heaven is always aware of you and your needs. If you struggle with doubts or feeling disconnected from God, you can learn to better recognize His presence in your life by trying these things:

Take some time out of your day each day to put away all distractions and focus on God.
Pray regularly to feel God’s love in your life.
Read God’s word in the scriptures and other messages about His love.
Keep a journal where you can write about blessings God has given you and spiritual impressions you’ve felt.
Talk with trusted friends and family about how they have felt God’s love in their life.
Practice Christlike love for others through service and forgiveness.

Strengthen Your Faith in God
Faith can help you find peace and strength through difficult times. Missionaries can help you grow your faith in God and develop a closer relationship with Him.

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