Pigeons Are Legit Stupid | ENDLING (Session 4) [Old Mic]

2 months ago

We seem to be getting closer to the mystery of why Humans are dumb, stealing things that aren't theirs and coughing a lot, which gets us closer to getting our Toby back. While on the hunt to learn of the ever changing region around us, Max, Ken and Ryan learn and grow with their Mama (Me), and get to see how dumb birbs are and why they are our lunch/dinner. All we need to know now is what the Human corporation is up to... and what those "panels" are.

If you want to see what I do outside of gaming, check out my novel: Lore of The Endelment. Link to Amazon provided.
https://www.amazon.com/s?i=stripbooks&rh=p_27%3AZaec+R.+Shero&s=relevancerank&text=Zaec+R.+Shero&ref=dp_byline_sr_book_1 #endling

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