5 months ago

Originally aired 9/8/24. We continue to see an acceleration of TYRANNY around the world, including the Globalist’s plans to lock everyone into their digital control grid.

This is Satan assembling his global dominion structure through his loyal agents placed into leadership roles under the artifice of making the world a better place.

One of the main traps he has used is the pandemic, in order to lock in tyrannical measures, isolate the dissenters, and manipulate the election.

Now we know they are planning to institute these global measures again—just about the time of the US elections—the MOST pivotal election because if America stands, then the world has a champion for freedom.

Listen to Alex Newman’s recent Interview of Dr. Kat Lindley on the Globalist’s pending plans for seizing even more power through the next planned International Pandemic:

• The WHO, SEPI, GAVI and other international organizations have been planning a Pandemic Treaty that requires member nations to cede their sovereignty to this Global Authority
• This past May, it was specific African nations that refused to sign the agreement, while the western nations already were on board
• However, these African nations did not hold out because of some sense of national sovereignty—no, they had not gotten a sufficient cut of the proceeds from the last pandemic and vaccine production and roll out
• So NOW the WHO EXTENDED the global health emergency and declared Monkey Pox an international health concern, EVEN THOUGH only 500 people have died, and those are all from poor health and malnutrition. They are ignoring the hundreds of thousands sick from TB and Malaria
• So now it appears that these African nations will get their financial cut, and likely be awarded vaccine production facilities—and so we can expect at their next vote, the Pandemic Treaty that gives all authority to the WHO will pass
• Also notice Dr Lindley’s comment that the covid pandemic was used as cover for instituting MAIL-IN BALLOTS and Drop boxes, which changed voter laws rapidly around the nation, most without proper legislative process—to meet the propaganda of fear we were all forced to comply with
• She also revealed the deceptive sham of the government health mandates, which she attributed to demands for compliance

And so we have been reading how that Spirit of LAWLESSNESS, which we are WITNESSES of, will bring about the Antichrist Global Dominion. It’s assembling before our very eyes.

And that at some point, as Jesus Prophesied, the Times of the Gentiles will come to an END, and the Lord will RAPTURE His faithful church into heaven to be with Jesus for the Great Tribulation.

Friend, you want to make sure you are in the Lamb’s book of life, and warn others of these things. And so we will continue our study of the Book of Revelation, picking up where Yesterday's Show left off Beginning rev 21.

After the Great White Throne Judgment, we see the last of Corruption will be dispensed with.

North Park Christian School:

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Wendy’s Words for Him: The Hiding Place: Listen to The Hiding Place audio book reading of Corrie Ten Boom’s true story of God’s faithfulness during Nazi-occupied Holland:

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