9-11-24 Conservative Commandos: TOPICS: The question of who won the debate is debatable!!

5 months ago

George Landrith, President and CEO of Frontiers of Freedom – a public policy think tank devoted to promoting a strong national defense, free markets, individual liberty, and constitutionally limited government. In 1994 and 1996, Landrith was the Republican candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives from Virginia’s Fifth Congressional District. His work has been printed across the nation, including Washington Times, Chicago Tribune, LA Daily News, National Review, Sacramento Bee, Ft. Worth Star-Telegram, Providence Journal, Daily Caller, Washington Examiner, Townhall, and Human Events. George Landrith is also a co-host here on the Conservative Commandos Radio Show... And is the Author of a new book, "Let Freedom Ring...Again: Can Self-Evident Truths Save America From Further Decline?" TOPIC: Educate Latino Voters on Dem Party’s Extremism and Anti-Catholic Bigotry.

Peter Ticktin is the founder and senior managing partner of The Ticktin Law Group. When not righting wrongs, Ticktin’s writing books, including his latest, “What Makes Trump Tick,” recounting his time serving under the former President when they were both young cadets attending the New York Military Academy. Ticktin also runs a podcast of the same name, where he discusses his past, legal experiences, and views on politics and law. He has been quoted in The Washington Post, The Guardian, Law and Crime, AllCriminalJusticeSchools.com and Politico among many others. TOPIC: The question of who won the debate is debatable.

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