Victim/$u$pect because the Vatican gets paid for your RAPE!!!

5 months ago

After I waited 30 years to finally get justice in my New York State Child Victim's Act case INDEX NO. : 2020-1087

I came to the stark realization that the New York State Supreme Court was pimping me out and making money on my rape all the while keeping my rapist on New York State payroll as a New York State Officer of Corrections at Elmira Prison in Chemung County, despite the fact that Brian Cleary, admitted to raping me on the stand in 1996, in front of Judge Frawley a Knights of Columbus Associate and good Roman Catholic.
John Frawley was hguilty of "KID$ FOR CA$H" and I do believe he gave custody of my baby sister and I to our abductor knowing full well that John Pykonen served more than two years in State Penetentary for driving the get away car while armed in a bank robbery hoist in Waverley New York, and served hard time from 1970-1973. Fuckhead Frawley was pulled six years out of retirement for my 1996 custody case wherein John Frawley, gave my son to my rapist despite the fact that I alone walked my son through 2 years of chemotherapy and fought by his side for his life every step of the way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
FUCK ALL HOSPITALS AND THEIR OPERATION PAPERCLIP CONTINUING PRACTICES AND THE MIND INDOCTRINATION UNIVERSITIES THAT $UPPORT THESE BARBARIC PRACTICES THAT I HAVE witnessed first hand and am aware of the evils that these monsters do and the insane and unessary surgeries that these WHITE COATS perform on children!!!!!!!!
They are evil!
Mom's & dad's you should know that the CDC has known since 2010 that thimerisol causes AUTISM in boys and girls but mainly boys due to their blood brain bearer being thinner than that of girls. Also these monster WORLOCKS and WITCHES with their piosons and potions are making Americans sick! I ask that you don't take my word for it
Dr. Mercola and the book
"Master Manipulator" accounts for first hand knowledge of chemists who spill the beans on the CDC knowing full well and having full knowledge of what they were doing to American children, in this heart stopping book!
Is it any wonder that the 1986 you can't sue for vaccine harms/injuries under their void statute and code protecting their Nazi war criminals all operating on America under secrecy to extinguish the American People, with further WWII genocide tactics! SHUT THESE CORPORATIONS AND GENDER BENDING CENTERS THE FUCK DOWN!!!

Hoo- Ra!

My Brad dad once told me,
" A soldier is told what to do,
A warrior knows what to do!

I'm glad you never lived to see days like these Dad! miss ya

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