Autistic Environments

3 days ago

#autismawareness #autism #autismpodcast
Copyright Through Heaven's Eyes, Prince of Egypt Soundtrack, 1998.

#autism #autismawareness #autismpodcast
Environments matter for Autistics far more than most people realize. Finding the right environment for each unique Autistic person may take some time and be a challenge. No two Autistic people are alike and have different sensitivities and reactions to different environments. Paying attention to each unique Autistic individuals sensory profile can help find the correct environment for each different Autistic to thrive in.

Temple Grandin has often spoken about the importance of introducing Autistic child to various environments to find the most suitable environment for each unique child to thrive. If one environment does not work, do not get discouraged! Try another! Try as many as you can, even Autistic adults can benefit from going and visiting or trying out new environments to find the best suited one for each person.

Hope this helps and God bless!

Thank you Wichita Art Museum!

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