Beyond Shameless: CNN Host Kaitlan Collins Lectures JD Vance About 'Promoting False Information'

6 hours ago

Posted • September 11, 2024: The media hackery that was apparent during last night's Trump-Harris debate on ABC is continuing on other outlets. In this case, CNN's Kaitlan Collins tried to lecture Trump running mate JD Vance about not promoting false information ("false information" usually being defined as information that's unhelpful to the Democrat narrative). "Journalism" took yet another holiday on CNN during this interview. If CNN gets a single anonymous source to make a claim about Trump they run with it, but claims that run counter to a preferred Dem narrative get automatically discounted: Kaitlan Collins @kaitlancollins: ““If someone calls your office and says they saw Bigfoot, that doesn’t mean they saw Bigfoot. You have a sense of responsibility as a running mate, and he certainly does as the candidate, to not promote false information, right?”” -- Seriously? Ari Fleischer is among those who thought that lecture was incredibly rich coming from somebody on CNN:

Ari Fleischer @AriFleischer: “If someone calls CNN and says Russia colluded with Trump, the Steele Dossier is true, the Hunter Biden laptop is false, covid came from a wet market, or that Joe Biden is healthy, doesn’t CNN have a sense of responsibility not to promote false information, right?” -- The MSM, with CNN among those leading the way, is completely bereft of self-awareness and is beyond shameless.

Twitchy: Ari Fleischer Torches CNN Host's Lecture to JD Vance About 'Promoting False Information'

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