Autistic Sensory Starvation

3 days ago

#autismawareness #autism #autismfamily
#autism #autismawareness #autismfamily #christianlifestyle
Copyright for Fear Is Not My Future, belongs to Brandon Lake, HELP! Album, 2022.

Autistic Sensory Starvation is just as big of a concern in regards to mental and physical health for Autistic children and adults. Many Autistics, because of the high Sensory Profiles are often not introduced to the proper sensory environment to nurture and grow each unique Autistic persons sensory abilities. With the emphasis on Sensory-Overload, many opportunities are lost due to Neurotypical people attempting for force Neurodivergent people into mismatched sensory environments where Sensory Starvation can often occur and lead to degenerating mental health and overloads.

This is a concept from my upcoming book Language of Patterns. It is a part of the theory I have been developing on how Autistics communicate to help Neurotypical people better understand the Autistic loved ones in their lives. Finding a special interest in which each unique Autistic can nurture and grow through healthy sensory nurturing is significantly important to the mental and physical health of each individual Autistic.

May God bless you and keep you on your journey through this life.

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