Comments 238-240: Illegal Immigrants, A Fool’s Errand & Climate Change, Fake or Real?

5 months ago

Comment Number 238 is on a Private YouTube Channel. Mixed and foreign people in Black communities are not the problem. Well...what is the problem? ANSWER: PROBLEM NUMBER ONE: Illegal Immigrants and PROBLEM NUMBER TWO: Millions of Black people in America and worldwide must change their status from DEPENDENT TO INDEPENDENT. Comment Number 239 is on the AFRICAN DIASPORA NEWS CHANNEL. Black people did not build America and Reparations for Slavery is a Fool’s Errand. Building is creating, developing, organizing and implementing plans to erect physical structures on land, water or in the atmosphere. Comment Number 240 is on the World Net Daily Website on INSTICATOR. What if the Earth is Flat like the Bible says and not a globe hurdling through space? What if the Flat Earth has an irregular rotating magnetic field, instead one that just moves?

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