Episode 2490: Holiness Conference 2 of 5 The Virtues ~ Fr. Ripperger

3 months ago

Fr. Chad Ripperger's "Holiness Conference 2 of 5: The Virtues" delves into the essential role that virtues play in achieving holiness. The focus is on how the cultivation of virtues is central to the spiritual life and growth in sanctity. He explains virtues as habitual and firm dispositions to do good, which align our actions with reason and faith.

The key points of the conference include:

Definition of Virtue: Fr. Ripperger defines virtue as a good habit that inclines a person to act in accordance with reason and faith. He categorizes virtues into four cardinal virtues (prudence, justice, fortitude, and temperance) and three theological virtues (faith, hope, and charity).

Cardinal Virtues:

Prudence: The virtue that allows one to judge correctly what is right and what is wrong.
Justice: Giving to others what is due to them.
Fortitude: Courage in facing difficulties or dangers, especially in living the faith.
Temperance: Moderation in the use of pleasurable things and self-control over our desires.
Theological Virtues:

Faith: Belief in God and all that He has revealed, accepting His authority as the ultimate truth.
Hope: Trusting in God’s promises, especially the promise of eternal life.
Charity: The highest of all virtues, which is love of God and love of neighbor for God’s sake.
Growth in Virtue: Fr. Ripperger emphasizes the importance of consistently practicing virtues to grow in holiness. He stresses that the virtues must be habitual, meaning they should be part of the daily life of a Christian.

Vices as Opposed to Virtue: He warns that the opposite of virtues are vices, which are sinful habits leading the soul away from God. Overcoming vice is necessary for virtue to flourish.

Role of Grace: While virtues can be developed through human effort, they are perfected by grace. Fr. Ripperger highlights the importance of prayer and the sacraments, particularly Confession and the Eucharist, in obtaining the grace necessary to live virtuously.

Practical Applications: The conference ends with practical advice on how to develop virtues in everyday life, such as examining one's conscience regularly, seeking spiritual direction, and forming good habits that align with virtue.

Fr. Ripperger's talk serves as a guide to living a life of virtue, which is essential for becoming holy and ultimately achieving union with God.

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