New Baby Flowerhorn - Aquaponics and Automatic Bottom Sweeper

4 months ago

The plan was to make a no water change aquarium. Seems like that’s not going to happen. The amount of plants is nowhere near enough to make that happen. Hopefully, they can prolong the water change.

All three plants can live with their roots submerged. Not all plants can do that. Most terrestrial plants will rot and die if their roots are always under water.

I’m quite happy about the automatic bottom sweeper. This idea took a few months to materialize.

I named him Phooey, from Hong Kong Phooey. He is SRD (super red dragon flowerhorn).

He has fin fractures on both of his pectoral fins. I suspect he injured them in the bag when he was being shipped. I'm pretty sure they are fin fractures. I saw a vid on fin fractures on the "The Fish Doctor" channel.

Nocturne in E flat major, Op. 9 played by Aya Higuchi
Nocturne in B flat minor, Op. 9 played by Olga Gurevich

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