LiDAR LASER RADAR / PERFECT RADAR LiDAR / Rewolucyjne narzędzie archeologów

4 months ago

I nie tylko archeologów grzebologów , ale im pomaga wybitnie, nie muszą grzebać gdzie popadnie, idą w dokładne miejsce . Historia metody lidarowej sięga lat 60. XX wieku. LiDAR (z angielskiego Light Detection and Ranging) dość szybko – mimo wysokich cen – stał się narzędziem pożądanym przez archeologów. Dziś urządzenia pozwalające na wykonanie badań lidarem są już powszechne i coraz częściej wspomagają badania terenowe. Laser Radar/LIDAR/LADAR including Eye-safe Lasers
LADAR (LAser Detection And Ranging) systems use light to determine the distance to an object. Since the speed of light is well known, LADAR can use a short pulsed laser to illuminate a target and then time how long it takes the light to return. The advantage of LADAR over RADAR (Radio Detection And Ranging) is that LADAR can also image the target at the same time as determine the distance. This allows a 3D view of the object in question. This provides long range reconnaissance with greater fidelity and thus greater recognition range than other technologies. Newer LADAR systems, with InGaAs detectors on board, can use eye-safe lasers (traditionally 1.55 or 1.57 microns) to minimize the users' eye damage, as well as eye damage to other combatants and non-combatants on the battlefield. In addition to eye safety concerns, these lasers are also covert to night vision goggles and older night vision technologies, allowing for the location of the detected object and the laser to be kept secret.

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