9/11/01 - The Greatest Deception Of All Time

5 months ago

The official story of 9/11 is filled to the brim with lies. Al-Qaeda and Osama bin Laden were the only two entities blamed for what happened that day but any rational person with half of a brain could tell you that there is much more to it than meets the eye. I personally believe that it was an inside job and a heavily orchestrated event. The neoconservatives of the Bush Administration including George W. Bush, Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld, the mayor of NYC at the time (Rudy Giuliani) as well as Benjamin Netanyahu, Larry Silverstein, Mossad and Israel were all aware of it beforehand, have their filthy hands all over it and played a massive role in covering it up. This is what ultimately sent us into war in Iraq, a war that we had no business being in. 2,996 innocent lives were lost on American soil that day and many more casualties after as a result of that unnecessary war. Whether you are on the Right or Left, many of us can find common ground and agree that this polarizing event is filled with deception. If you are unaware or unsure, do yourself a favor and Red Pill yourself on the biggest terrorist attack in American history and learn the truth about who was really involved. You will see the world much more clearly when you do.

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