Demonizing the Nation of Islam for having a cure for those HIV infected.

5 months ago

(found on Dr. Judy's transcripts:

Stew Peters: In the 1980s you had Dr Fauci Mengele insisting that AIDS victims take AZT, even though that drug basically did nothing but kill all of them, faster. And then our media tells us that in the 1990s you had the federal government get in bed with some lunatic cult, the Nation of Islam, right, which claimed to have a miracle AIDS cure. Well, then mainstream media tells us that the NIH let a radical Dr. Abdul Alim Muhammad, run around telling people that the government invented HIV to kill black people, and then claiming that he had a drug that would cure it. Then the media tells us that it didn't cure it and that everybody who took the drug still died of AIDS. And then the media tells us that the government still let Muhammad market his drug as a cure and that they even let him sell it as a grossly marked-up price to make millions off of desperately dying people. Dr. Judy Mikovits is a medical researcher, a highly respected scientist, and a friend of this show. She disagrees with that narrative, and she joins us now.
Judy Mikovits, PhD: That narrative, that Type One Interferon, the magic bullet for cancer on the cover of Time Magazine, March 31 1980. It's the first thing I started working on purifying at the National Cancer Institute when I was a fermentation chemist all the way back in 1980. So we made that drug. We purified it from cows. It's called Bovine and you can purify it from all animals. Very low doses and nasal spray. It generates your innate immune responses. It's actually prophylactic. It actually stops, degrades like a PAC Man, RNA viruses. It was a solution. It was part of an oral immunization protocol. And they demonized the Nation of Islam and Dr Alim and others and drove it as if the National Cancer Institute was protecting you. We were making it. We were right there with Peptide T at the same time, which was a peptide that blocked the interaction of the macrophage and T cell invented by Candace Pert, a woman, and they demonized her in the movie The Dallas Buyers Club.

07/13/2022 - Stew Peters Show replay:

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