Vladimir Lenin, The founder of the Communist Soviet Union said "SOCIALISM is the road to COMMUNISM".

5 months ago

There is absolutely no question, Kamala Harris is the next step to Communism in America

“The founder of the Soviet Union said socialism is the road to communism. We have to first go there first. Why? Because in a free enterprise capitalist system like we have today you own the business. You have the wealth. You have the employees. You have all of the means of production and they know it's hard to come against those people. They have a lot of power.

But if we can keep growing big government, slowly regulate more and drive up the cost of things where we slowly start and getting big business to be monopolies where it's hard for anybody to compete and we we do this slowly as the government gets those reins of power.

Then once you're kind of a socialist system it's much easier to step into communism.

Then it becomes totalitarian quickly and if you study the 20th century and look at all the countries that the communists took over that's how they did it.”

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