Sweet Baby Inc and Black Girl Gamers MELTDOWN When WOKE Games FAIL!

5 months ago

Sweet Baby Inc CEO Kim Belair went on a stream to gaslight the public about the intentions of her and her consultancy company. SBI and Belair have made it no secret that they intend to infest the gaming industry with DEI and Woke policies and turn a massive profit in the process. Black Girl Gamers Founder and host of the stream, Jay-Ann Lopez, does much of the same that Sweet Baby does, her collective is responsible for the awful Forspoken.

When Smash JT @SmashJT covered said livestream (Ash Parrish of The Verge was there too) to expose the blatant rewriting of history, he was issued a copywrite strike to his channel for the clearly transformative work. Thankfully, the issue was resolved, but the want to silence dissenting voices was noticed loud and clear. These consultants want in and want to ruin what you love, but don't you dare expose them for what they do!

That Park Place 1: https://thatparkplace.com/sweet-baby-inc-ceo-kim-belair-continues-to-play-victim-and-attempts-to-deny-her-companys-goal-is-to-wokeify-games/
TPP 2: https://thatparkplace.com/smash-jt-threatens-legal-action-after-forspoken-consultants-black-girl-gamers-copyright-strike-his-youtube-channel/
Smash JT: https://twitter.com/SmashJT/status/1833609382036386115

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#SweetBabyInc #BlackGirlGamers #SmashJT #Woke #SBI #Gaming #GamingNews #VideoGames #BGG #Forspoken #Games

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