9⧸11 Pentagon Survivor April Gallop on Alex Jones Show 3⧸3

3 months ago

9/11 Pentagon Survivor April Gallop appeared on the Alex Jones Show to discuss her experience during the attack and challenge the official narrative. Gallop, who was in the Pentagon with her infant son, questioned the lack of visible plane debris and suggested possible government involvement. Her appearance fueled skepticism about the events surrounding 9/11, aligning with Jones' platform of questioning mainstream accounts and promoting alternative theories about the attack.

#AprilGallop #911Truth #PentagonAttack #InsideJob #AlexJones #FalseFlag #911Survivor #911Coverup #PentagonMystery #TruthMovement #Question911 #ConspiracyTheories #DeepState #WarOnTerror #Alex #AlexJones #INFOwars #infowars

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