ROMANS # 360, It pleases God when believers treat others by the rule of 'live and let live'. 9-10-24

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The believers in the churches were dividing into two camps.

“There were certain things that these two very different groups had in common. Both groups were made up of people who were considered genuine believers and who had a sincere desire to please God (Rom.14:3, 13). As John Murray observed, each group was characterized by “an equal sense of devotion to Christ.” Another commonality that Paul mentions repeatedly is that all believers in both camps will give an account to God Himself for their lives (Rom.14:4, 10–12).
There is something else that was common to both of these groups at Rome. Both groups were being critical of those who were “different.” The two groups despised each other, holding each other at a distance except to debate (Ron.14:2–3).“The weak tended to regard the exercise of liberty on the part of the strong as a falling down in their devotion to Christ and therefore subjecting them to the Lord’s disappointment.”
One can almost imagine the weaker brother whispering, “bunch of antinomians” under his breath, making sure he kept his distance from that group of “liberals.”

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