Giant Alligator Attacks Camera | Scary Moment Caught on Camera

6 years ago

Alligators are such fascinating animals, don’t you agree? Close encounters with crocodiles and alligators can be safe and fun but they can also become dangerous and terrifying in a split second, that’s for sure! Brace yourselves because in this video you will see a scary example of an interaction between a human and a reptile! Your mind will be blown. As the clip begins, you can see a giant alligator making his way towards a tourist boat. You can hear the voice of a tourist guide who is sharing different fun facts about alligators with the people on the boat. The alligator gets closer and closer and that inspires one of the brave guys on the boat to try and rub his head. OMG! It’s too bad that the alligator had different plans. All of a sudden, the giant gator jumps and attacks the camera that’s filming him! LOL! So scary!

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