Churchill Revisionist Branded “Low-Rate Historian” After Tucker Carlson Interview

5 months ago

In a recent interview with Tucker Carlson, historian Darryl Cooper, who hosts the 'Martyr Made' podcast, made a series of explosive comments about World War Two; most notably that Winston Churchill was the ‘chief villain of the Second World War”. Many have described his claims as out rightly revisionist and condemned Darryl in disgust.

Piers Morgan is no different, and regards Churchill a powerhouse of British history. However, in the name of freedom of speech, he decides to put it up for a debate. To comb through the facts, Piers is joined by historian and author of ‘Churchill: Walking with Destiny’ Andrew Roberts, host of' Part of the Problem' podcast Dave Smith and CEO of The Babylon Bee Seth Dillon. Dave seems to be the only person in Darryl Cooper’s corner, while everyone else seems revolted by his claims about the heavy-drinking cigar aficionado. Andrew deftly bats away the anti-Churchill claims as ‘complete rubbish’ and calls Darryl a low-rate historian”.

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