9/11 Tribute

6 months ago

On Sept 11 2001, as I drove to work in Rochester NY, I heard on the radio a plane had hit one of the twin towers. When I got to my studio I turned the TV on to see a live shot with smoke billowing out of one of the towers. The commentators were downplaying it saying small planes have accidentally crashed into the Trade Center before. I thought to myself that was not a small plane. As I was watching, I witnessed the 2nd plane strike the other tower. I hooked up recording devices to three TV's and recorded about 3 hours of clips.

As the one year anniversary approached a friend who was a Major in the Army said he had to put together a presentation for his troops commemorating the events of 9/11. I told him I was thinking about editing a video from the clips I recorded live that day and asked if he could use a video like that. He said he would appreciate it and use it if he could. He showed it and everybody loved it.

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