Prophet Julie Green - The Giants in Your Land Will Be Driven Out - Captions

5 months ago

Julie Green shares a prophetic word from the Lord about the current state of the country and the body of Christ. The message emphasizes the importance of not giving in to fear, as God will protect and provide for his people. She references multiple biblical stories to illustrate how God can take something small and multiply it to bring about a significant breakthrough. The message also warns about upcoming disruptions in the banking industry and food supply, but encourages trust in God's provision and protection. In this prophetic message, Julie shares a message from God about the exposure and downfall of corrupt agencies, including the CIA and the banking system. The message assures believers that God will protect and provide for them, even in the face of disruptions in the food supply and financial systems. She also encourages the audience to trust in God and not to fear, as God is bigger than the establishment and will bring about unprecedented changes. She emphasizes the importance of obedience and faith in God's provision and protection.

✝️ Another Awesome Message from Julie! ‼️God Wins‼️ The original video was posted on 07-29-2024 and may be watched here: 👉

Today’s Scriptures:
Heb. 10:23
Ps. 37:9-10, 12
2 Kings 4:1-7
Heb. 13:8
1 Kings 17:8-16
Matt. 14:13-21
Matt. 14:22-36
Ex. 14:13-14
John 2:1-11
Phil. 4:19
Jer. 29:11
1 Tim. 6:12
Ex. 3:19
Isa. 54:17

God is telling you NOT TO FEAR!

Things are going to shift quickly and shake violently. But do not fear.

Use God's Word and His authority that He has given to you through the Blood Covenant of Jesus Christ.

Remember Who God is and look to Him- He is your provider, protector, multiplier.

No matter what happens with the food, it is not for your destruction but for an interruption. God will provide.

This is where faith comes in and you need to trust God more than ever. Things will be unconventional, unusual, unexpected, and unprecedented.

God can take something so little, but with your obedience and trust, he can take it to change your life forever.

Trust and obedience to God can bring the biggest breakthrough in your life.

God is an unlimited God!

God is bigger than this establishment and everything and everyone. He is the Most High God.

You are in the Army of the Lord. God has given you power, authority and dominion.

God will supply all your needs.


COPYRIGHT 2024 Julie Green Ministries International


PROPHECY INDEX: www.prophecyindex.org




Good morning, everybody. Once again, now this is a new live stream link, so I'm pretty sure it says rumble, it's not working. So, I started praying about it because I was not going to let this stop what God wanted to be put out today. This is a big word. This is the reason why I'm actually doing this while I'm here in Texas, because you guys usually know that I will pre record for you, but this is something that the Lord really, truly wanted out

on a live stream. So this is exactly what I'm doing and why I'm doing stuff from the road, because we are living in a very pivotal moment in this country's history. We are living in a very pivotal moment in the body of Christ. So right now, these are now time words. And so I had to get this now on live.

Okay. So I am here live with you today. Again, is Monday, July 29th. Of 2024. I'm here in the Dallas Fort Worth area. I'm actually here for an event. Now I'm not speaking, I'm just here for an event. Now I have to get this out to you, but there's something that right before I got on the live stream here this morning, the Lord was starting to give me a word,

of course; the enemy wanted to stop it. The Lord was giving me a word regarding his people and the power and the authority, and I know he'll give it out to me. He'll have me release it, but it's a warning not to fear. We're in that time where God is going to make it clear. He is going to make it known that he will not be mocked.

You were going to start seeing judgment in different nations and countries all around the world. Just what they did with Paris, France. When they did with the mocking of the last supper and you saw how there was trains were this train outages and there was power outages. That's not done. God is going to do something more because he said in many different prophetic words in the last two years or more, he's been giving words about Paris about, you'll even hear about Paris has fallen, whether it's not in the time of the Olympics, I don't know.

Whether it's a time right this second or later on here soon, I'm not sure. I think it will be sooner than later, but again, I don't know if it's during the time of the Olympics, but you will not mock God and get away with it. And so there are judgments that you are about to see, just like God's been talking to us about, this is a time of the exodus, this is the time of the greater exodus and before God's people were released out of the hand of the Egyptians,

there was judgment, there were plagues, things are such shake, things were not looking like they were normally looking, things were swiftly and quickly changing and it looked like it was getting worse before it was getting better. So the Lord is saying we have to hold on to what his truth and his word and his warnings of what he's been telling us not to get in to fear.

But again, when you see a country mock God, when you see what they went to the length of doing it on the world stage, and if you think that God is just going to sit back and not do anything about it, that's not true. Again, I will use the scripture. God said in his word, he *will not be mocked*. So he's telling us that we're coming into a time where things are going to shift and they're going to shift quickly.

Things are going to shake. God says things are going to shake violently. So again, it's not for our destruction. It is not for us to be in fear. This is not for us to be afraid of what is to come. This is for us to stand on the written word of God, knowing that God has given us power, knowing that God has given us authority, and knowing that also God has given us his protection.

We have protection by the blood of Jesus. We have the authority of the name of Jesus. And this is where God's people have to rise up. This is where God's people have to stand up. This is where God's people have to know their authority and use the authority of Almighty God and stop being complacent. Stop sitting back and just thinking the next person is going to do it.

When God has chosen you for such a time to use his word, to use his authority and to know what God has given to you. And that is the blood covenant that we have with Jesus Christ. And so just like today, when things don't go like they're supposed to go, it can be very frustrating when I'm the only one trying to fix

a technological problem; but I'm not. I realize even though I'm sitting here by myself in a hotel room and that you know I'm dealing with a computer issue, It's not bigger than God. We have issues on our life on a day to day basis and they are not bigger than God. So is there we're gonna choose to get frustrated,

we're gonna choose to get anxious or fearful about it. We're gonna go God, I'm gonna put it in your hands. When I knew that there's technical things that were out of my hands, I'm like, Lord, this is yours to deal with because this is your words and this is what you want done. And of course God fixes it.

And so what we have to realize in this very day, in this very hour, we see the mocking of God. We see what nations around the world think. Oh, that's not a big deal. Yes, it is a big deal. We don't get angry to the point where we do anything violent like that. And we don't get revenge, but we stand on the word of God and we WAR, we Worship And Resist while the Wicked Are Restricted.

So I'm going to give you this prophetic word today, because this is something that I was actually going I told you I was going to give out today. And I know that's exactly why the Lord wanted me on. Today, because again, things have been happening almost every single weekend. And if you do want to know some of the Paris prophecies I have several of them up actually.

Let me, so one of them is from August 8th of 2023. This prophecy is called Great Judgment Is Coming Against the Justice System in This Land. And this one is saying, Paris has fallen. The news will say the government will collapse and the president will be removed. Great exposures are coming about Macron and who he really is.

Judgment is coming for all who are against the truth. So now you can see with prophecies back again, this is from 2023. You can see now see the reason why Paris and the reason why France has been in prophecy so much in the last couple of years. Here's another one. A Trojan Horse is About to Be Unleashed.

This is from March 29th. 2024 and this is called Keep Your Eyes on Paris. Something significant will take place there. Your enemies have their eyes on a location they plan to attack. Some will allow this to take place for destruction and chaos as a distraction. All right, here's another one. This is from June 16th, 2022.

My Glory Will Destroy It All. It says Paris will be in your news. What they are saying is not how it appears to be. Don't listen to their news. Listen to mine, my children, I will reveal what is going on and what is also being hidden. I'm exposing every lie and all the truth will be revealed says the Lord.

Here's another one. this is The Days of Great Removals. June 5th, 2023. This one says, watch Paris. Something significant is about to take place there. So these, here's you know, that's the other one. That's another one for another day. So again, this is all the ones I'm just reading through for Paris. The ones I could just get up in a very short period of time.

God has been warning us about France. He's been warning us about Paris. And now you have people mocking him and ridiculing him, especially the Last Supper and the significance to the Last Supper. So once you, once you start seeing things start happening all around the world, because God has been saying things are going to happen, but he keeps enunciating this:

*Do** not fear*! He keeps repeating this. *Do not be alarmed*! *Do not be afraid*! Because God has got this. God is our protector, He's our fortress, and that's exactly what He's been telling us to do, is that He is going to protect us, and He's faithful to perform His word. So, I want to read this prophecy for today.

Now, this is the one I talked to you about last Thursday. That I said, the reason why I know that I'll be on on Monday, which is not typical of what I usually do when I'm out of town, but too many things are happening right now. And God needs us to hear these prophetic words because things are going to start to intensify even greater.

We, we've been starting to see things intensify in the last couple of weeks. I mean, really from what happened with President Trump started with the debate. Then what happened with President Trump and the attempted assassination. Then you have, what's going on with them trying to the coup against Biden.

And then you have Kamala, and now you're going to have the democratic national convention that's not going to go the way the enemies really want it to go. You're going to start seeing more things happen around that time, and after that time, is what God has been telling us about. So this prophecy is from the 25th.

So July 25th, I heard this on the early morning hours of Thursday morning. But I had to give out the one previous to that regarding the FBI. Now you can see why, because there's a lot of things being uncovered with the FBI, so the Lord really wanted me to get that out on that Thursday morning for you.

But this is the word I heard early Thursday morning before that live stream. Okay? And this is the first paragraph, and it says, A major cover up, a plot to kill your rightful president will be clearer than it already is. More people within the establishment will start to turn on other ones they used to side with.

No amount of destroying of evidence or wiping their fingerprints from this crime scene will be enough to save themselves this time. A major piece of evidence will come out of nowhere, it will appear like. A whistleblower is coming to blow the doors wide open on this investigation of the attempted murder of my son. Your enemies are about to wish they *never* tried to kill him. Things are heating up to a point against your enemies In the establishment, they cannot pull all their power to try to hide their crimes and corruption anymore. There is just too much coming out and too many people turning and too many people they cannot trust

like before. Your enemies are realizing *they can't silence everyone*.

Their old tactics of war and covering up their crimes will not work this time. The more they try their old ways, they will find themselves exposed even more. Your enemies are coming down in a way you don't see it yet, or can imagine. Keep believing that I Am bigger than this establishment and watch me prove it, saith the Lord of hosts.

Oh, the walls of the CIA are about to fall. My children in the Land of My Eagle, I want to remind you of many words I have given you regarding this agency. They've had more control than most ever thought they could have. They're the ones with the videos. The setups and the traps, the blackmails and their fingerprints are on more crime scenes through this nation's history than anyone ever thought they could have controlled.

This agency has controlled many leaders in the White House, and they have had, they have made laws and decisions between foreign nations.

Oh yes, the money will expose what this agency has done and how deep this really goes. My children be prepared as this agency is uncovered and more truth revealed. They will not go without a fight. I have people inside the CIA that are about to get the green light to tear it wide open and expose everything

they have been a part of. This has been a long time coming for the world to see what these agencies have done against my nation, along with their part and what's happened to other nations in the world.

So much blood dripping from these agencies and the establishment they try to control. They try to hide and blame someone else for their wrongdoings and for their crimes. My children, their deep, dark secrets that they have buried for a long time - all these things hidden on their servers I've told you about, is about to tear their narratives and their control over this nation to nothing.

And when this is revealed, they will _*try*_ devastating events to take place to stop the *army that is marching* toward them to take back control of this nation.... and that is *you*, *my children!* You have more power and authority, so *use it now* more than ever before.

Prepare for this battle and this war you see before you. The giants in your land will be driven out in a significant way with my hand. So trust me and not what you are about to see, saith the Lord of Hosts.

William Burns, you truly believe being in charge of the CIA will keep you safe in your position, no matter what takes place, because you have protection from the establishment behind you because your agency has enough blackmail on the jury of Washington; nothing could happen to you, and that is not true.

I'll remove you and you will *never* see it coming. Justice is being served by Me, says the Lord.

Every corrupt CIA, FBI, secret service, NSA directors that have committed or, allowed crimes to be committed under their watch or helped cover up the crimes of these agencies from even before they were there. All will be exposed. Every person will be judged by my right hand, saith the Lord of Hosts. My children, explosions are coming that will violently hit their camps and the walls of this establishment like never before. I will not allow them to keep things the way they are in this nation or any other nation; their mind control, their narratives, their fifth generation warfare, and the slavery they have had on you is coming to an end, and I'm the one who is ending it, says the Lord.

MI6 will be in your news. A whistleblower is coming to show how this agency has worked with others in this nation to cover up many crimes in many nations each country was a part of. These are the days to expose the agencies that have been a part of cover ups and crimes all over the world. Massive money laundering schemes will be the death to many secrets.

They have tried to keep these agencies working to cover their secrets and to cover their tracks.

These are also the days my children where the money trails will be exposed and the honey pots your enemies stored up will be emptied out. A great shaking with corruption and governments and their agencies worldwide will be brought down.

My children, this is the time where many things will shake and change at the same time where things will never be the same for your freedoms, saith the Lord your Redeemer. And then after this prophetic word it went on, and this is where God is exposing even more. So this is what I heard just minutes after this prophetic word on Thursday morning: Wells Fargo will be in your news for a significant reason.

This banking fortress, the house of cards of this banking world will be exposed and brought down. I will show you how much they have been involved in and it will shock the world. The banking system, as you know, it will forever change!

Days of explosive evidence with the banking world will come out and it will begin to shake with no way to save this industry that has controlled the masses. Fortunes will be brought to nothing of the ones who played Monopoly on a world scale.

My children, my hand is moving against the banking world like never before, and the bank vaults will be emptied of the money that did not belong in their hands.

The food supply will be disrupted in a major way. Do not fear this - it's to stop the poison they had wanted to bring to cause mass deaths. My children, look at the loaves and the fishes... look at the oil and the flower... look at how I turned water into wine... *I Am your provider!* *I multiply* and *I'll protect you* from what was to come.

*Do not fear what you *_*see*_ with your food supply. *I Am intervening* and stopping what they had planned against you. Get fear out of your lives and *do not worry*. *I Am big enough* to take care of _*every*_ need you have. So *trust Me,* and you will be completely set free, sayeth the Lord. Now that's what I heard after the this other prophetic word.

And the reason why this is extremely important, he's talking about the banking industry. He's talking also about the food supply. And so what God is telling us is to remember who He is. I've given you examples of what God is saying about when he's talking about the food supply, how they were going to disrupt the food supply, he's been warning us about the food supply, how they have been, they poisoned the air, they poisoned the soil, they poisoned the food, they've been poisoning our medications, they've been poisoning you in every single aspect.

But one of the things he's saying in this prophetic word is yes, they were going to poison you with your food, and that's why you're going to see a cutoff of a food supply. It's not to kill you. It's not to destroy you. It's not to get into fear and to worry about. This is where we have to look to God as what He proves to us in the Bible.

He proves to us that He is a multiplier. He proves to us that He is a provider. He proves to us that He is a protector. He proves to us that vengeance is His. Now, He's been talking about the Great Exodus. Well, as you know, in the book of Exodus, you can see that the food supply was tampered with or was really halted and there was food shortages, especially in the land of Egypt.

But if you notice in the land of Goshen, the food supply was not touched. So God is telling us no matter what happens with the food, this is a warning to you. No matter what you see with food, no matter what goes on, this is not for our destruction. This is for the interruption. He's stopping. He's blocking. He's cutting the enemies off!

Just like he says, if you look in the book of Psalms, go to Psalms. He's bringing this scripture up to me

because we know he's talked about great exposures. He's going to expose all these different things that are going on all around the world. He's going to expose things with it. There are three letter agencies that he's been warning us about, but now he's saying, look, the banking industry is going to be disrupted and the food supply is going to be disrupted.

People are only looking to politics. They're only looking to people being removed. They're only looking to the political reset. There's many other resets that are going on. There has to be a banking reset and there has to be a food supply reset. Do you remember how many times that God has talked about how this is where God is?

He's in the middle. We're on this side and our enemies are on this side. God is going to cut them off. They're only allowed to go so far and to do so much. He is the one who's protecting us. Psalm 37. Look what it says in verse 9. Psalm 37 in verse 9. For the evildoers shall be cut off. But those who wait and hope and look for the Lord in the end shall inherit the earth.

So God has been warning us and the reason why we are not to fear. This is where we have to trust in God. This is where faith comes in. God said that things were going to be he uses this word all the time. Unconventional, unprecedented, unusual, unexpected. He's used these words. Over and over and over again.

Things are not business as usual. Again, everyone looks to just politics and the government. It's not just that that will be affected. When God says that everything that can be shaken will be shaken. That means everything that means politics. Yes. That means the banking system. Yes. That means food supply.

Yes. That means medications or anything, anything that enemies were using. To poison, to harm, to cause death and destruction, God is going to cut them off. So when we see these things in disruption, people automatically are going to think it's the enemies are getting what they want. It's not. It's God protecting us from what the enemies wanted.

It's so important for us to trust God on a different level than we've ever trusted Him. And that's why He has me go over a few scriptures this morning. Just like when he talked about in this prophecy this morning, I was looking up these scriptures, the loaves and the fishes, the water into wine, the oil with the flower and what God did in the times of famine, what God did in times of shortages.

What did God do even when it wasn't even that big of a deal or that important where it was not a life and death situation, but God still intervened with the, with the water turning into wine. We have to know God as the multiplier. The God is our source. It's not our government is our source. It's not even our stores that are our source.

God should be our source. He's our source of income. He's our source of supply. He's our source of our health. Because our enemies have wanted to do everything against us to destroy our health, destroy our mental mental wellbeing, destroy our trust and our faith in God. So just like where I have seen multiple times, at least three times where God had oil, when we were in prayer lines and we were praying over people, I had mentioned this before.

So those who have not heard these stories, I was in Oklahoma city. I was also in Florida with Manuel Johnson and I saw the oil. in these oil jars be filled up. It's just, it's a normal oil, just like olive oil, just go and buy it in a store. And it just kept filling up and it kept filling up. And I was shocked by looking at it in my hand, how it was filling up.

And God is saying, this is the second time this happened. And I was overly whelmed, overwhelmed with what God was doing. And he said, Julie, I Am still the same God. This was a correction even though it was cool. It was still a correction Why aren't we having faith and trust in God that when things run out for us?

He will multiply it. That's why he shows it in the word of God and i'll get to those scriptures. So look it says Psalm 37 verse 10 for yet in a little while and the evildoers will be no more though You look with care where they used to be they will not be found God Removes The people against you and against his nations.

Verse 12, the wicked plot against the uncompromising righteous, the right, an upright standing with God. They gnash at them with their teeth. The Lord laughs at the wicked for they seize their own day of defeat is coming. God sees. The defeat of the enemy coming. That's why he's laughing. And that's why we should be laughing because we know that God is bigger.

And one of the things he said in this prophetic word. That he said, I Am bigger than this establishment, and I will prove it. God will prove that he is bigger. Just as he did in the book of Exodus, he proved that he was bigger than Pharaoh. He proved that he was bigger than the Egyptian army. He proved that he was bigger than that empire.

He proved it to the Egyptians and he proved it to God's people. Go to hmm. Go to 2 Kings, chapter 4. Go to 2 Kings, chapter 4.

And start with verse 1. 2 Kings, chapter 4, and verse 1. This is where people have to really get in the Bible. And start knowing who God is and what he does in times of trouble. We does in times of famine, when he does in times of shortages or economic downturns or the empires being overthrown and governments toppling and being destroyed.

What does God do? Because remember he is the same God yesterday, today, and forever. Second Kings chapter four and verse one a certain woman of the wives of the sons of the prophets called out to Elijah. Now Elijah was a prophet of this time and she cried out to Elijah saying your servant My husband is dead and you know that your servant feared the Lord.

That means respected not fear or was afraid It was the respect and the creditor is coming to take my two sons to be his slaves Verse two so Elijah said to her what shall I do for you? Tell me what to do for you and what do you have in your house? And she said your maidservant has nothing in the house, but a jar of oil.

So God can take something. I'm going to stop right here. God can take something that looks nothing to you and he can make it into something that will change your life forever. Let me say that again. What looks like nothing to you, God can change it in your life. To change your life forever. Now look what it says here, verse three.

Then he said, go borrow vessels from everywhere, from all your neighbors, empty vessels, and do not gather just a few. I want to give you a little heads up in this time. Well, this widow woman, there was an oil shortage. There was an oil shortage in this time. And remember, all she had was a little jar of oil, or she had a big jar of oil, but only a little left.

But look what God takes of something that looks so little, or it looks so minuscule in a time of a famine or a shortage. Now she had to listen to the prophet's instruction. Now he said, go to your neighbors and don't borrow just a few vessels. Get as many as you can. Now, some people hear instructions from God.

Listen very carefully. Some can hear instructions from God, but think it won't matter and they don't obey when it could have changed their life. This is why prophets are important in a time of destruction, or a time of famine, or a time where things are going to abruptly change. God gives instructions. He will give a word.

He'll give marching orders. And it's our job to take those marching orders and be obedient with them because they can change our life. And it can be a matter of life and death.

So again, the prophets instructions was go, do not borrow just a few verse four. And when you come in, you shall shut the door behind you and your sons, then pour into all the vessels and set aside the full ones. Now again, she had a little bit. She didn't have enough to fill up all these jars. But that is when the trusting in God comes in.

We have to trust God. Verse 6 This is what the Lord was showing me on that day. When we were in prayer lines, And the oil just kept refilling and kept refilling. I'm not talking about, we're just dripping oil. It was like Manuel Johnson was like pouring oil over people's heads. So the oil was depleting.

Then God just kept refilling it all of a sudden until the end of those services. And then the oil stopped refilling. And I asked the Lord specifically, why did the oil stop filling up? And he says, because you didn't need it, need it anymore. And then he reminded me of this scripture. So God refills. Until we don't need it anymore.

God has a God of plenty. God has a God of overthrow overflow. So verse seven, then she came and took the man of God and he said, go and sell the oil, pay your debt and you and your sons live on the rest. They were debt free forever. So something that looked like nothing, a little bit of oil in a jar and a day of oil shortage, she went and go and borrowed from vessels.

She brought them back, got them multiplied, those vessels, sold for the overflowing, then she went and gave those jars back, sold the oil, and she was debt free for the rest of her life. And her sons did not go in to slavery. It changed her life. And so go to first Kings, go to first Kings chapter 17. This is a, this is another instance where again, it looks like something that looked like it was stupid for her to follow the instructions of Elijah, but she did.

So Elijah, so this, all right, this is Elijah, not Elisha. This is Elijah. I want to enunciate that. All right. This is first Kings chapter 17. Kings 17 and go to verse 8. First Kings 17 and go to verse 8. Then the word of the Lord came to him saying, Arise, go to Zarephath, which belongs to Sidon, and dwell in there.

See, I have commanded a widow there to provide for you. Now I want you to know, The widow did not know she was going to be used by God at the same time. God is telling Elijah that a woman, the widow woman was going to supply for him is the same time. The widow woman was preparing for her and her son's death.

You see how when God says things are not how they appear to be. In our lives, even though it may look like the most desperate situation in our life, God can change it just like that. So verse 10, so God, so God told Elijah to go and do this. So Elijah went and obeyed. So he rose and went to Zarephath. And when he came to the gate of the city and did a woman, a woman was there gathering sticks and he called to her and said, please bring me a little water in a cup that I may drink.

Now the people nowadays. The nowadays Christians would have gotten very angry at this prophet because he could have gone and got himself the water. That's not the point of this story. The point of the story was the obedience of the widow woman, obeying the prophet, even something little first. And then she was going to have to obey the word of the Lord from the, from the prophet and something that look like it was going to destroy her.

So this was a first step of her obedience. But you have religious people or you'll have legalistic people that say, well, Elijah was being selfish and he was just being sexist and he was just being whatever because he could have went up and he could have gotten itself. That was not the point of that.

He could have, it was the obedience. That God needed from this widow to obey in the small, because she's going to need to obey in the big.

So then he says in verse 11, and she was going to get it. He said to her, please bring me a morsel of bread in your hand. Verse 12. So she said, as Lord God lives, I do not have bread, only a handful of flour in a bin and a little oil in a jar and see, I'm gathering a couple of sticks that I may go into, prepare it for myself and my son.

And we may eat and die. They were starving to death. God sent a prophet in the time of a life and death situation, a time of famine or a shortage.

And then Elijah said, again, she was preparing for her death and her son's death, because it looked like she was, there's no way for her to get any money. And there was no way for her to get any food. So she was accepting this death sentence. And then God sent her the prophet Elijah to change her life.

Verse 13, this is first Kings 17, verse 18 or verse 13, first Kings 17 and verse 13. And Elijah said to her, do not fear. What is what God had to deal with every single time when it comes to life and death situation, When it comes to shortages or it comes to unknown, God will always say, do not fear. Do not fear.

Go and do as you have been told, but make me a small cake from it. First, again, this is where the obedience comes in because it looks like the prophet is saying, I don't care about you. You make me a cake. And I don't care if you live or die. That's not what it was at all. This was a trust. God wanted her to trust the word of the Lord through his prophet.

He wanted her to trust that not only would she make this cake again, it's the obedience is a whole entire thing that God is giving to us today. It's obedience and trusting in God, even though it looks like it's the dumbest or the worst thing you can do. It's obedience. And trusting in God. He said make me a cake from the first bring it to me and afterward make some for yourself and your son will Only look like she had enough for herself That's why God keeps reminding us do not go by how things appear to be Verse 14 for thus says the lord God of israel the bin of flour shall not be used up Nor shall the jar of oil run dry until the day the lord sends rain on the earth So she went away and did according to the word of Elijah and she said he and her household ate for many days Verse 16, the bin of the flour was not used up, nor did the jar of oil run dry, according to the word of the Lord, which was spoken by a lie.

So God is showing, these are just two examples right here, of God showing, He can take something so little, with our obedience and trusting in Him, He can take it. To change our life forever. It's the obedience and trusting in the word of the Lord and not trusting in what things look like. We cannot trust in what things look like.

Obedience can bring you the greatest breakthrough of your life. Obedience to God can bring you the greatest breakthrough of your life because we serve. The God of the breakthrough. And as you're reading stories and I'll just go over them really quick. I'm not going to read all of them for the sake of time, because this is a very long prophecy.

But if you go to Matthew 14, look at Matthew 14

and start with verse 13.

And this is Matthew 14, verse 13. This is the loaves and the fishes. Most everybody knows the story of the loaves and the fishes. This is where Jesus, now I'm just giving you, go read Matthew 14, 13 through 21, alright? And you can look up, there's many different versions of this in the Gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.

So there's many different examples of this. I'm gonna read, I'm just giving you Matthew's account right now, okay? So if you read Matthew 14 Chapter 14, verse 13 through 21. This is where Jesus was feeding them spiritually all day long. Then Jesus knew that they were gonna be needed to be fed physically.

So he was feeding them spiritually, giving them the Word of God. But he knew that they were gonna need to be fed physically. So he asked them to go get find some food. So the disciples found a little boy who had two five loaves and two fish. And then you have the disciples, Lord, what is this among so many?

God doesn't need a lot to change our life. God doesn't need a big portion. He can take the smallest, the smallest thing that we have, and change it into the biggest breakthrough that we've ever experienced. Because it's our obedience. Interesting in God. And you all know the story about the loaves and the fishes.

He took a little boy's lunch and he looked up to God. He prayed over it. He blessed it. And he said, go. And it fed now it said fed 5, 000 men, but people don't really release it. Look at that. Realize. If you go to Matthew 14, 21, this is a very key phrase here. People think he only fed 5, 000 people. He didn't.

It was more than that. If you look at Matthew 14, 21, and those who ate were about 5, 000 men. not including women and children. So he fed up with his little boy's lunch. He fed up to people say it's up to like 20, 000 to 40, 000 people. Cause again, it's including children and women and children. So it was 5, 000 men.

Just, just think, just think if every man had a wife, that's 10, 000 people. And what if they had two or three kids? You get my point. People only think of the 5, 000. It was more than 5, 000. And this, this one, now there was another where he did, he fed more loaves and fishes and he fed less than this one, but I'm going to read this example for today because I'm running out of time, but look at what happens right after the loaves and the fishes.

Don't miss the story. If you keep reading on from Matthew 14 verse 22 through 36 was where Peter was walking on the water. Right after this miracle with the loaves and the fishes. Jesus goes to pray, the disciples go, and they get into the boat, and all of a sudden the storm comes, and then Jesus comes walking in the water, and then Peter gets out of the boat, and he starts walking toward Jesus, and then all of a sudden he gets into, you know, he gets into fear, he starts to fall, Jesus picks him up, puts him back in the boat, and stills the storm.

Miracle after miracle after miracle. Go and start reading the Gospels. Go and read what Jesus did. Go and read about all the healings, the miracles. They said there were so many healings, signs and wonders and miracles that they couldn't even put it all in the books. He did so many, but read the times where Jesus multiplied.

Look at, we turned the water into wine and it wasn't even a life and death situation. Look at the times we turned the loaves, the two low or the five lows and the two fish and turn it into feet of multitude. Look at where he calmed a storm. Look at where he healed people from life and death, or even like with Lazarus.

So he died for four days and Jesus, Jesus was, rose him up again in front of everybody. God knows. Every single thing that was going to happen to us in this time period, even before we knew there was a problem. And there are some people think, well, I can't go and I can't go and buy a whole bunch of gold and silver, or I can't go and stock up on food because I don't have, I'm on a fixed income and I don't have a lot of money.

Stop thinking in that way where you just have a few and you just have a little. God can take that little bit that you have and turn it into the greatest breakthrough of your life. Don't look at it the way Satan wants you to look at it and the way he wants you to observe your situation. Look at it the way God wants you to observe your situation.

God is unlimited. God. Now before I go back to this prophetic work, cause I'm running out of time already. I could go so long.

All right. I have to go to Exodus 15 or like, or Exodus 14. Sorry. Exodus 14 really quick. This is really important right now. We see, now I'm gonna go back over this prophetic word. You're seeing the enemies keep pursuing us. You're seeing, you're gonna see unprecedented, a chain of events start to take place even greater now.

Which God has already warned us for a long time. We started seeing this chain of events start to unfold since the debate in June 27th. Which God also told us about. Look what it says in Exodus 14 and verse 13. Moses told the people, Fear not, stand still, firm, confident, and undismayed. This is what God's telling us right now.

Stand firm, confident, and unmismayed. Why? If I could have given you all the examples that he gave me this morning to give to you, go study it. Go look at all the examples of all the way that God multiplied in the Old Testament. Go look at what he did and he multiplied and he supplied in the New Testament.

Philippians God will liberally supply, fill the overflowing air beneath. But we have the enemies trying to do things against us. What is God telling us to do? Fear not, stand still, firm, confident, and undismayed. And see the salvation of the Lord, which He will work for you today. For the Egyptians you see today, you will never see again.

Verse 14. This is why you should never be afraid. The Lord will fight for you. You should hold your peace and remain at rest. So when we start seeing the banking system, and when you start seeing food supplies, and when you start seeing things that are unprecedented, and when you start seeing things that are unconventional, and when you start seeing things that are disruptive and destructive, look at this word Exodus 14, 13 through 14, fear not, stand still, be confident, undismayed.

You see the salvation of the Lord, which he will work for you today, the Egyptians, or you can say the elites, you can say the globalists, you can say the establishment, the establishment you see today, you will never see again. Put it nowadays terms. Because God is still that God. But our thing is to remain at rest.

That's what God needs us to do. And even if we have a little bit, He can take that little bit and bring it into, and make it into the biggest breakthrough of your life. Don't fear the small. Don't fear what little you have, because God can turn it into something big. And to making it something that will change your life forever.

Alright, so, the scriptures, I'm not gonna have you guys just write some of these down. John 2, 1 through 11, was God turning, Jesus was turning the water into wine. This was Jesus first miracle, after he was baptized. His first miracle was turning water into wine. Go read Philippians 4. 19. Get that down into your heart.

Go read Jeremiah 29. 11. The thoughts and the plans that God has for you. What is it? To prosper you. Read these things. Get your faith and your trust in God back up because this is where the time you're going to need it. All right. Now let me go back over this prophetic word. Now again, there, there's a lot of exposure that's going to happen again.

And yes, there's a lot of things that are going to happen regarding President Trump. There's a lot of things that are going to happen with the election. There's a lot of things that are going to happen politically. Yep, we already know that. But God is saying, that's not the only thing that's going to be shaken.

Is that the only thing that's going to change? Is that the only thing that's going to be unprecedented? Is that the only thing? That's not the only thing. A lot of things are going to change. Alright, so here this is, again this word is from July 25th. This is the first paragraph. A major cover up, a plot to kill your rightful president, will be clearer than it already is.

So we already basically are knowing that there was a set up. This is an inside job. God keeps revealing us, since even that night, in that next morning when he was revealing to me, that it was just like JFK. I even went back, there is a prophetic word regarding Lee Harvey Oswald, now this was going to be in the news, and now there's going to be great exposure.

God's not done with this stuff yet. And I believe what they did to President Trump is going to expose what they did to JFK. I mean a big can, you can just say a massive can of worms has been opened because of what they just did against him in this country. There's so many things, but what did God say to us last week?

Don't let your guard down. And just like I had told somebody over the weekend when I was talking to one of my friends, dear friends, and I was telling them that even though we all know that president Trump's going to win this election, if there is one, it's not about the election, it's about where's our trust.

Is our trust in an election? Is our trust in President Trump and his family? Or is our trust in him? In God? Yes, they are chosen, and yes, they are anointed and appointed, but they can only do so much, their people. We have to have our focus on God. Because something else is going to happen. Events are going to take place and we're going to have to trust in God and not a human being.

And they need to trust the fact, this is not just about them winning an election. They didn't know that God is their protector, that God is the one that he is because there's people all around them that can't be trusted. There's some people that are going to be trusted, of course there is, but there are some people that are so embedded in the establishment on the Republican side.

That look like they're good people. That's why you need God's discernment. That's why we all need God's discernment because this is a time where things are going to start to change Dramatically and this is what God's morning is about now again I'm going to read this read this to you again a major cover up a plot to kill your rightful president will be clearer than it Already is so there's going to be more things that are being exposed regarding That assassination attempt.

It's not done being exposed. It says more people within the establishment will start to turn on other ones they used to side with. Now again, God's been talking about a civil war. There's a civil war going on in the establishment right now. You have different sides. And they're taking sides, no amount of destroying of evidence or wiping their fingerprints from their crime scenes will be enough to save themselves this time.

So other tactics that they used to use to save themselves and you know, used to blame others for their crimes is not going to work. It's not going to work like they used to work. And I just seen something about Don jr.

Okay. If there is something, Regarding Don Jr. Don't worry about it. Pray about it. Pray about the entire President Trump and his every single member of his family. If they're gonna try to do something against Don Jr. or they're gonna try to do something against no matter who is in their family, what is God telling you?

He just saved President Trump's life in front of the world. He just saved our nation and the souls of this nation in front of the nation, in front of the world. And so what we have to do is God's exposing these plots and plans. And I don't, I think it was the brother Timothy had that prophecy. Somebody said it.

And I think, okay, anyway, if there is a plot plan or scheme, again, we're going to pray about it. No matter what it is, they're not going to get what they want. This is where the Christians comes in. This is where we have to stand and fight this good fight of faith. And we have to pray and plead the blood of Jesus over them.

If they don't know how to do that. Then we are going to do that for them. It's important for us to stand together. Alright, let's go back to the, this prophecy. No amount of destroying evidence or wiping their fingerprints from their crime scene will be enough to save themselves this time. Now look what it says.

A major piece of evidence will come out of nowhere. It will appear like a whistleblower is coming to blow the doors wide open on this investigation of the attempted murder of my son. Your enemies are about to wish they never tried to kill him. Days of Haman. If, and I know most of you guys know that because God talks about Haman a lot.

Go read the book of Esther and see what happened to Haman. This is the time that we're living in.

Okay. So things are heating up to a point against your enemies and this establishment, they cannot pull all their power. Now listen to what God is saying. They cannot pull all their power to try their hide their crimes and corruption anymore. They can't hide it. They can't pull all their power to hide their corruption anymore.

There is just too much coming out and too many people turning and too many people they cannot trust. Like before your enemies are realizing they can't silence everyone. So when they were having problems with things going on, well, they would just silence people that they would Epstein them. You would say, I mean, really they'd Epstein them.

They, you know, quote committed suicide, not, or they get in a car accident. Not, they just would do things. So again, God said these old tactics aren't going to work anymore. Their old tactics of war covering up their crimes will not work this time. The more they try their old, now listen, the more they try their old ways, they will find themselves exposed to even more.

Your enemies are coming down in a way you don't see yet or can imagine. Keep believing that I Am bigger than this establishment and watch me prove it. God is going to prove that he's bigger than the establishment. God shouldn't have to prove that he's bigger than the establishment. He shouldn't have to prove that.

God is, God is El Elyon. He's the most high God. But the world needs to know he's the most high God and so do his enemies. And apparently some of the members of his body need to know that. So he's going to prove that he's bigger than the establishment. He says, Oh, the walls of the CIA are about to fall. My children in the land of my Eagle.

I want to remind you of many words I've given regarding this agency. Now he's talked about the age, this agency. So I go CIA, the FBI, the NSA, the secret service. Now you're talking about all of them. They've had more control than most ever thought they could have. Think about it. The CIA has a lot of more control.

People thought they're the ones with now, listen, They're the ones with the videos, the setups, and the traps, blackmail, their fingerprints are on every, or on more crime scenes through this nation's history than anyone ever thought they could have controlled. So, there's a lot of crime scenes the CIA was involved with.

This agency has controlled many leaders in the White House. They have controlled many leaders in your White House, the CIA has. People think it's the president that controls this country, and it really hasn't. It hasn't. It's been an establishment. And they made laws and decisions between foreign nations.

He says, oh yes, the money will expose what this agency has done and how deep these things really go. My children, be prepared as this agency is uncovered and more truth revealed. They will not get what they want. They will not go without a fight. They won't go without a fight. He said, I have people inside the CIA, inside the CIA that are about to get the green light to tear it open wide open and expose everything that has been, they have been a part of this had been a long time coming.

For the world to see what these agencies have done against my nation along with their part in what has happened to other nations in the world. So there's a lot of corruption in the three letter agencies and God's going to expose it and just tear them apart. Now, again, there's good people in the CIA, not saying there's not, there's a lot of good people in all these places.

God has strategically put people everywhere. So it's not all full of corruption. A lot of the leaders of the bureaucrats. But there are still good people in there. So much blood dripping from these agencies and establishment. They try to control, they try to hide and blame someone else for their wrongdoings and further crimes.

My two and their deep dark secrets say I've been buried for a long time all these things hidden on their servers I keep talking about their servers again I have told you about is about to tear their narrative and their control over this nation to nothing and when it's revealed They will try Devastating events to take place to stop the army that's marching toward them to take back control this nation And that is you, my children.

So he's talking about the servers again. He's saying when all these things are exposed, now people were just looking for president Trump and the U S military to go back and take control over the government, over the coup that's been going on for the last four years, almost. But we've missed the army that God was really talking to us about.

Yes, he was talking about the military, but he's also talking about, and he keeps using the word over and over again, an army, we are in the army of the Lord. Everyone was waiting for president Trump to take this stuff back. And God is saying, listen, my children, I've given you power and authority dominion, you and the army of the Lord, go take it back.

How do you take it back by prayer, by standing my marching forward, by never giving up, by never quitting, by not surrendering, by standing and fighting that good fight of faith. People were looking past themselves and God was looking to you. And I

stopped the they're trying to take a place to stop the army that's marching toward them to take back control of this nation. And that is you, my children, you have more power and authority. So use it more than ever before. Prepare for this battle in this world. You will see before you, the giants in your land will be driven out.

It's very, very specific. And that's one thing that he truly wants you guys to know is that the giants will be driven out in a significant way with my hand. So trust me and not what you are about to see, say the Lord. So he keeps talking about trusting in him and not what we see, because that's going to be really, really easy for us to do is to trust what things look like.

Look around the time, look at the convention. Things are going to happen around that DNC. Just the Lord has been saying it. And I think that's when we're going to start seeing things come about to go crazy because it's, it's not going to go the way they want. All right. And remember, God said that Kamala is not the replacement.

So just think about the can of worms. That's going to open. All right. It says William Burns or Bill Burns. He is the CIA director. He says, William Burns, you truly believe being in charge of the CIA will keep you safe in your position? This is what he said to Kimberly Schuttle, and look what happened to her.

This is what he said to Christopher Wray. Look what's gonna happen to him. This is what he said to, to Mayorkas. He's in charge of the Homeland Security, DHS, whatever. Just watch, just watch. So he says keep you safe in your position, no matter what will, what take place, because you have a great protection with the establishment behind you because your agency has enough blackmail and majority of Washington, nothing could happen to you.

And that is not true. The CIA has a lot of evidence that's blackmailing the ones in Washington. That's why they think anybody in the CIA thinks they're safe because they have all those. They have all this evidence, but God said it's not true. It's not gonna help. I'll remove you and you will never see it coming.

So God's telling the CIA director you will be removed and you will not see it coming. Justice is being served by me, says the Lord. So again, just like, you know, Kimberly Schuttle didn't think she was gonna be removed and she thought she was gonna be protected by the establishment, it proved right then and there it wasn't, wasn't the case.

That prophecy came in within days. Now it says every corrupt CIA, FBI, secret service, NSA director, the crimes they committed or allowed crimes to be committed under their watch, or help to cover up the crimes of their agencies from even before they were there, all be exposed and every person will be judged by my right hand says the Lord.

So again, look what happened when God uses his right hand. When go look at the book of Exodus chapter three. Go look at Exodus. Let's see what God uses about his right hand. My children explosions are coming that will violently hit their camps and the walls of the establishment like never before I will not allow them to keep things the way they are in this nation or any other nation their mind control their narratives or fifth generation warfare and the slavery they have had Had you in is coming to an end and i'm the one who's ending it Says the Lord.

So again, God is the one who's ending all of this. And that's what we have to be having our full trust in. And my six will be in your news. A whistleblower is coming to show how this agency has worked with others in this nation to cover up many crimes in many nations. Each country was a part of, so, and my six is the secret agency.

That's it's, you know, it's another agency. It's intelligent agency and that's in the UK. So watch exposures with that too. These are the days to expose the agencies. These are the days to expose the agencies that have been a part of the cover ups and crimes all over this world Massive money laundering schemes will be the death to many secrets That they try to keep the agencies working to cover their secrets and to cover their tracks So money is gonna be their fall money is the the you're gonna start seeing money and One of those prophecies remember trojan horse So there's things are going to start happening really fast.

These are also the days, my children, where the money trails will be exposed and the honey pots, your enemies stored up will be emptied out. A great shaking of corruption in your government and their agencies worldwide will be brought down. My children, this is a time where many things will shake and change at the same time, where things will never be the same for your freedom, says the Lord, your Redeemer.

So again, God is talking to us about many things are going to start shaking. And our freedoms are going to change which is good because that means that Freedoms are going to change and we're actually going to have freedoms instead of not having freedoms We thought we had freedoms what they really want.

It was like an illusion but God is going to start changing it. So here is what I heard after this other prophecy wells fargo will be introduced for a significant reason this banking fortress the house of cards this banking world will be exposed and brought down I will show you how much they had been involved in and the shock will shock the world.

The banking system, as you know, it will forever change. So when you start seeing the banking system change, you start seeing it come down and start crashing. People will don't panic. Again, if you have stuff in the stock market, I'm not, I'm not an expert. And I'm, that's not what guys tell me to do to tell you where to put your money where not to put your money.

God will tell you what you put your money. God will tell you what to do with it. God will tell you where it's protected. And so this is where, again, we don't trust in people. We trust in God and what God has saying. He says the days of explosive evidence of the banking world will come out because the banking world has a lot to do with the establishment.

The banking world has, has, has helped the establishment do what the establishment has done. And that's why the banking system is going to be judged. So days of explosive evidence of the banking world will come out and it will begin to shake with no way to say this industry that has controlled the masses.

Fortunes will be brought to nothing. All the ones who played Monopoly on a world scale. So again, people who look like they have trillions of dollars and yes, people are trillionaires. People don't know about that yet, but there are trillionaires around the world and you have multi, multi, multi, multi billionaire.

People think that Elon Musk is the richest person in the world. It looks like it. But there are people that are richer.

It just, it'll all come out. I promise you it'll come out. My hand is moving against the banking world like never before. And the bank vaults will be emptied of the money that did not belong in their hands. So no matter, no matter the amount of money, any of them have, you think there's like four quadrillion dollars in the world's banking system.

And like less than 300 people have it, had majority of that money. That's true. That's truth. So when you think about all the money that's all around the world, but all the ways that they're using it against guys, people, and they think they have enough money that they're covered and God is saying, no, no amount of money is going to save them from what God is going to do.

Then he says, my children, my hand is moving against a banking world. Like never before. The bank vaults will be emptied of the money That did not belong in their hands. Look what happened in the book of Exodus and God's saying that's gonna happen again. Then he goes on to the money or the food supply, excuse me, the food supply.

The food supply will be disrupted in a major way. Don't get afraid of that. Do not fear this. It is to stop the poison they wanted to bring to cause mass deaths.

So God is allowing the food supply, He's allowing some of the shortages, He's causing some of the shortages because of what the poison that they were putting into the food supply. Now I would suggest to you, no matter where you are, to pray over your food. Even like one of us, I don't know where we, what a restaurant we were in.

And they were like, did we pray for our food? And that's extremely important because honestly, we had forgotten at that particular point, which we never, ever do. And so we corrected ourselves, ask God to forgive us. And cause we were just talking, you know, there's a group of us. And we were just talking and.

It's like, no, we have to pray over our food. No matter where you are. I'll give you a home or a restaurant. You pray over your food. Do not fear. This is, this is to stop the poison. They wanted to bring the mass deaths. So they couldn't bring it with the, the jab. They were going to try to bring the food. My children look at the loaves and the fishes, look at the oil and they'll flower.

Look at how I turn water into wine. Do not fear what you will see with your food supply. I'm intervening and stopping what they had planned against you. Get. Fear out of your lives. Do not worry. I Am big enough to take care of each and every one of your needs. So trust me and you'll be compl

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