WAKEUP911 - Numerolgy and 9/11 this year WARNING! - September 10 2024

5 months ago

BY James Easton with guest Elijah Atheton. A few days ago Elijah stumbled upon a coincidence with the movie Godzilla (1998). There is a scene where Matthew Broderick's character shows his watch which reads hour hand was at the 9 and the minute hand was at 11. So George H W Bush was 55 when announced his candidacy for president and GWB was 33! And on 9/11 GWB was 55 and GHWB was 77!!! So Elijah predicts a major event Tomorrow at 9:55 9/11 2024. This video covers a vast amount of numerology good and bad, a list of palendromes in binary going to 100 million, revealing 3 6 ad 9 patterns in massive consistent stretches, for example from 520,000 to 1 million, it's all 3's 6's and 9's TESLA anyone??? We cover how lead wiring was in the towers and that the explosion of the towers generated 1 hz vibration that penetrated everyone surrounding the scene of devastion. We also cover 153, and it's relationship to 249 (which is the numerology of Novus Ordo Seclorum) and the connection to the venus rose pentagram in the Washington DC street layout pointing to LOGAN'S Cicle, where LOGAN is 249!!! Some other points of interest not in the video is that the word HA has numerological value of 9 and it's wordform value is 11. We also uncovered that JIGSAW numerogly digital root and wordform are all 6 (where the word for works out to 33) and you have 666! We cover George Bush in the Classroom when the teacher says turn your books to page 153 at the exact moment when the guy whispers in GWB ear on CUE! 153 word form is 249 and 330 word form is 249 and so is 330 and 351. This is a really fucking interesting video, kindly put up with bad sound quality. Last but not least NEVER FORGET Works out 9 and 11 where numerological value is 9 and the total of the digital roots of each letter is 11.

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