More Evidence The End Is Near

5 months ago

Tonight, Hosts David Paxton and JD Williams explain the FACT the World is focused on all the WRONG issues. While Bible Prophecy is played out before our very eyes. Tonight they focus on the persecution of both Jews and Christians throughout the World. More evidence that the both the Book of Matthew and Revelation make it clear, the End of the age is upon us.

Finally, PLEASE NOTE: All opinions expressed are those of the Hosts & Guests of the "Last Christian" and not necessarily those of the KRRB Revelation Radio, Corporation. And that BOTH JD Williams and David Paxton are members of the US Press Association, protecting them from LEGAL Censorship and protection under the United States Constitution.

The "Last Christian" is Presented every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday evenings at 7:30pm Central across ALL Platforms with Scripture taken directly from the Word of God.

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