Join me on my daily dog walk #talk Central Portugal

6 months ago

Taking you with me on my daily dog walk. Mildly discussing dogs on chains which is not a one-sided discussion to have. The houses in this village don't have gardens which may be one reason why dogs are kept on plots of land. For guarding and other (cultural) reasons.

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In my opinion, it doesn't seem optimal for the development of a young dog to be tied to a plot of land. But, I don't hear these dogs howling due to loneliness and I see them being attended to twice a day. The Portuguese seem to care for their animals a lot so I'm under no impression of malfeasance. Let me know your thoughts, be respectful.

#dogwalk #centralportugal #portugal #dogs #walk #nature #naturelovers #digitalnomad #walking #routine #healthylifestyle #physicalactivities

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