62 Days in Captivity

5 months ago

62 Days in Captivity
I never imagined that my life would change so much in the blink of an eye, but you know how it is, right? We always think these things only happen in movies or on the news. Emilly, a 24-year-old recent journalism graduate, was living what could be the start of a promising career in New York. A city that never sleeps, full of opportunities, but also full of dangers lurking around every corner.

She lived alone in a small apartment in Brooklyn, where the nights were hectic and full of children. Not that she complained, she had always found the chaos of the city invigorating, almost like an energy that drove her steps and decisions. She worked as a freelancer, writing for small blogs and local magazines, always looking for a bigger break, something that could catapult her into recognition.

Emilly was one of those people you look at and think: “This girl has something special”. An easy smile, an insatiable curiosity and a courage that sometimes bordered on recklessness. But, make no mistake, it was this courage that made her so good at what she did. She liked to sneak into the most unusual situations to get that story that no one else could. Danger was always a spice in her life, but not that real danger, you know? Just that adrenaline rush that makes you feel alive.

Then, one Friday, she received an anonymous email with a tip promising an exclusive story about a human trafficking ring that was expanding across New York. The kind of story that could change her career. And, of course, as you can imagine, she didn't think twice before following up on the tip. That's how she worked: impetuous, driven by a passion for journalism and a desire to make a difference.

But that night, something went very wrong. The clue led to an abandoned warehouse in an industrial area of the city, the kind you look at and feel a shiver run down your spine, but you insist on continuing because curiosity is stronger. She entered, confident that she would discover something great. But instead of a story, she found her own nightmare.


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