Adorable Kid Loves His Lizard Companion

6 years ago

As someone who really loves all sorts of animals, even bugs and reptiles included, I simply cannot resist watching a funny video like the one we have here. It’s so amazingly cute and adorable that you really have to check it out! This video shows an adorable tot boy who also loves animals, but his favorites are the lizards. He loves to play with them a lot so each time he gets out he looks for one. This time he is standing outside in a backyard, and his dad hands him a cute little green lizard. The boy takes it in his hands and laughs. His dad then asks him what a lizard does, and this cute tot boy wiggles his tongue and makes a funny “lizard” noise! OMG, just look how incredibly happy this cute tot kid is with his new friends. He loves his new companion so much that he’s no practicing the “lizard language” and he’s doing great! LOL!

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