My stalker episode 26

6 hours ago

I will have to go back and fix my episode numbers. I just don't remember where I left off. lol

In this video, please don't let her words fool you when you watch her original. Make sure you're really truly listening. She knows how to say what you wanna hear. But the truth is always in between her sentences. In this video I point out a couple. Especially when she starts associating hannah as a man. Maybe not pacifically as a man. But I feel that the mother associated herself as a man. I was getting ready to put down women and how women act when they get overly emotional.

Michelle lee is a mastermind at manipulation. If you're not truly listening and paying attention, you'll miss it. And you can be manipulated quite easily.

But I do mean every word I said should Hannah ask me to respect the privacy at this time. I will and all videos About Hannah will come down.

I truly want justice for Hannah. Right now. We have no clue if she did anything to her son Forest. Her son has not stepped out yet, not even to back up his sister. Besides one time on jrod's/youtube channel.

And the only reason why it's being posted here. It's because some of the content. As you noticed will be striked because of youtube's community guidelines including being striked by the mother regardless, if she has the right to do so or not.

Basically the video. That I just posted before this shows the abuse and bruises, well, that's kind of violent for youtube.

Thank god, rumble allows you a little bit more freedom.

Michelle lee, all i'm asking is you to stop hiding and doxing me so that strangers know where I live or know how to find me pacifically or my family.

I'm sure that everybody would appreciate that. You stop doing that to them As well.

So if you really truly want the respect from me, i do wish you would respect me at our privacy and stop accusing me of things i never done. Thank you.

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