JUAN O SAVIN- Faith in Christ- Shall Not Perish! - Gerry Foley 9 9 2024

4 months ago

On this Part One you get 30 minutes of conversation at a Resort Lake with two Swans. The rest is a RULE by MAN that may offer to some.... that think they are going to WIN. But the Devil is fooling people. So much of what we think of as real... is ILLUSION. Will the Misfit Rulers know what is ahead for them? Hell is a place where there is no REASON. It is time to get right with GOD. Much is going to be changing. The new world without Satan? Without repression? Without the subjugation of the Demons that steal our very life energy, money, children, relationship? Know that we Witnesses are out front "at the pointy end of the stick". But our mindfulness it most important and God's Calling to us...
John 3:16
King James Version
16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

First Promise In John 3:16
Now notice the first promise that is given to those who have faith in Christ – they shall not perish. The Greek word that is translated as “perish” is apollumi. It literally means “to destroy, to ruin or to put to an end.” That is, those who are believing in Christ will never suffer eternal condemnation and go to hell.

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