#光明会 中国分舵舵主 #王岐山,连同张宏伟等人 利用邪教力量坏事做尽|王岐山能上去背后的力量就是光明会

6 months ago


#王歧山 #光明会 #姚依林 #陈峰 #王健 #佛教 #张宏伟 #陈元 #董文标 #肖建华 #邪教 #老百姓 #中共头号敌人 #文贵爆料

Wang Qishan is the head of the Illuminati’s China branch, together with Zhang Hongwei and other followers, have been doing all kinds of evil things by using the power of the cult. On behalf of the sunshine of the world’s justice forces, the New Federal State of China will stab the heart of the CCP from the earth’s south, center, and north, and Eastern Europe and Russia!
#wangqishan #illuminati #yaoyilin #chenfeng #wangjian #buddhism #zhanghongwei #chenyuan #dongwenbiao #xiaojianhua #cult #laobaixing #ccpenemyno1 #mileswarned

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