CTC-Presents JJ Carrell "The most horrific action against humanity this WH Administration caused."

2 months ago

J.J. Carrell recently retired from the United States Border Patrol after a 24-year career as a Deputy Patrol Agent in Charge. Carrell brings a different view on immigration and what is now transpiring on this forgotten and unknown place called the border.

Carrell takes his 24 years of experience in the trenches and his time in leadership roles to outline solutions. Carrell's solutions to stop the invasion of millions of individuals from across the globe from illegally entering America are straight forward and direct as sovereignty is paramount to the continued greatness of the United States of America.

Carrell is unapologetically patriotic and believes in the greatness of America and her citizens. However, he is unafraid to point out the corruption within our government that is destroying the sovereignty of America.


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