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The Kate Awakening Live 09/09/24

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  • Sorry, I may have ruined your chat at the end there while watching the rewind. I have no grace towards someone abusing God as the reason for their pious nonsense that has nothing to do with what He said, or taught, or paid that high price for at the cross. Kate, you have shown more grace in situations than I do. Finger pointing Christians like the one who showed up there, have no Biblical reason for doing so out loud in public, trying to defame others. That is not Christian and it is an abuse of God. Since they make the accusations public, I have to respond in public to set it right in the same venue that it is from their own twisted minds, NOT from God of The Bible. It is in tough love kindness to jolt them out of their robotic stupour of sins that they will have to account for to God.

  • Great conversation!

  • I hope the Lord opens up our spiritual sight to behold His redemption 🙏🏻

  • Thanks again for having me on Kate you are Great. Add like follow

  • The "demons" influencing people that you talk about, is talked about by Dr. Jerry Marzinsky who worked with schizophrenics and found many of the 'voices' were saying the same negative things. Here is an interview with him about it https://rumble.com/v1ebzvz-psychiatric-whistleblower-and-truth-about-schizophrenia-w-special-guest-jer.html I completely agree about the spiritual energy of love & sex or just sex being very powerful. I mean, God sparks a soul into a flesh body conception through the act of sexual union. It's pretty important. This cannot be an easy subject to talk about on your own like this, but I think you did a great job and it is important. Thank you for your bravery, Kate.

  • Two Quantum photos . One I described in tbe show. The other was taken on 11-11-22 . Reverberation day!! Our new holiday! https://files.catbox.moe/z08y6c.png https://files.catbox.moe/pybjku.png Quantum Connections.

  • Presentation mode is lame, Kate. I’ll watch the replay.

    1 like
  • Great honest show Kate. i hadn’t watched you maybe since you started. Your Guest today introduced me.

    1 like
  • Kate is beautiful, but she's crazy AF.

    1 like
  • I see faces too still bit most of them are not bad that I am aware of .. I think it is people in our ancestors knowledge and possible people who astral travel.

  • Carfull crystals can be the same as the book or item you bought at the resale shop… people can put bad intent into the crystal.